It's a bird eat bird world out there!


12 Years
May 5, 2010
Milan, MI
I was working on our new coup and heard a peep peep peep about ten feet away. I looked over to see one of my hens pecking the snot out of a sparrow. It tried to get away but she just kept at it. I left her to her prize and to play keep away with the rest of the flock. Strangest thing I've seen yet with these chickens! Anyone else every witness something like that? Earlier in the day I saw them playing keep away with a small frog. That didn't surprise me so much, but this sure did!
I'm always careful not to trip and fall around them, I think they would descend with beaks a-blazin'. I'm sure they think I'm full of scratch.
That is pretty crazy! My girls used to chase them off but now there are so many they don't bother. Maybe your bird just had enough of them stealing their food and was going to teach them a lesson.
Funny posts.
I haven't had chickens for a very long time. I know they have a pecking order . When they go to roost their all at the top of the roost mixed in & all happy so they seem. Then the next morning their out in the run I'm sitting there watching them & this chick walks over to this other chick & pecks her right in the face for no apparent reason. I'm thinking man that must of really hurt & wondering to myself "Why".
The one that got the bird is the only hen I have that has started laying. I was watching her today and she went after a lot of things the others don't.
She is quite the hunter. I would have never thougt that of chickens.

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