It's been a month...

Thanks so much!
I'll do that. you think a heat lamp (the ones you use for chicks) would work?
Also, are there any down-sides to candling...if the chick is alive, could such heat destroy any chance it had?
Once again, your help is invaluable, thank you so much.
Hydrangea H. Turner
You can use a flash light and use a paper towel tube or a toilet paper tube and put the pointy end in one end of the tube and shine the flaslight in the other end. I made a candler out of a shop lamp with a piece of cardboard with foil on the side near the light so it wouldn't burn. I put an 85 watt halogen light in it I cut a hole in the middle of the cardboard large enough to set the pointy end of an egg in. It works great. I made the hole in my lamp a little smaller for candling Pheasant and quail eggs.
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Sad News....
I made a little candler, and I looked at 4 of the eggs through it. 2 I kept just in case. The 3rd didn't look right, so I cracked it, and sure enough it was about a 6 day old chick (embryo) with a circle of blood around it. So it was dead. The 4th also didn't look right, so I cracked it and it was rotten--never even fertile.

Then came the 5th one. It looked just like the first 2. But (silly me!) I decided to crack it any way, as I was sure it would be dead. So I did. And guess what? It was alive! The yolk was just going into its tummy. It was a perfect chick. It probably would have hatched tomorrow. The air-sack was not popped so the chicky had no chance--it died within a few minutes.

I guess it was a good lesson learned--and I guess it means those other ones will probably hatch.
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Good news!
There is a crack in one of the eggs, and when I pick it up I can feel the chick moving, and I can also hear it (and some other ones as well!) cheeping!

There mom (Judith) is taking a dust-bath currently, but whenever she needs a break one of my old english game hens (Susan) helps out. :eek:)

-Hydrangea H. T.

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