It's Day 18 - Hatch on April 8th!

We now have 4 pips and lots of cheeping! Two Buckeyes and Two Jersey Giants
First chick to zip with chips flying in the bator was a feisty little Jersey Giant - Still waiting on Dave'sBuckeye to make it's toasty little appearance. Still only 4 chicks showing pips out of 30 eggs
I am really hoping overnight shows a huge change.
Yay! I came home from work to a chick in the incubator! And 4 more pipped! Woohoo! Far better than my first hatch already! I had to quickly take the one out of the bator cause it hopped up on the eggs in the carton and was trying to fry its brains on the heating element of the bator. It's now basking in the brooder lamp. Yay! Go chicks go!
Congrats to the rest of you who have new babies too!
I have one chick out - five more eggs pipped - I can hear the steady tap tap tap. Sadly, my first Buckeye to pip died overnight without zipping - it was a big chick
I was so looking forward to the Buckeyes most of all - still 9 Buckeyes left and several have pipped.

I'm very baffled on this hatch - I think the temp ran low by 2 degrees but I was afraid to increase it for fear of baking the chicks. I was using the digital thermometer - the meat thermometer was exact last time but this time ran slightly lower than the digital.

Live and learn - I added the egg turner this time in the LG9200 - I was not impressed at all with it.
I have 2 chicks now and 2 pips, and 3 eggs with nothing going on. This is day 22 for me, and I am surprised how slowly they are hatching. In my previous hatches they were all out by day 22(but those were my own eggs, and these were shipped). I think my temp may be a little lower this time, I do know that my room temperature is colder than really recommended for an incubator, so perhaps that is why they are slow.

One of my chicks hopped the cardboard divider I put in to keep them out of the turner and is now on the turner. He is trying to get back over but he can't-so I may have to open the bator and take him out at some point. But I really don't want to do that!!!!!!
littlelemon...You and I are experienceing the same slow hatch and I think for the same reasons. My eggs where also shipped and I am also into day 22 with only 2 hatched and 2 more pipped. I timed the first and second pipe to hatch. One took 8 hours to hatch and the other took 15. I have read it can take as long as 24 hours but my personal average over three hatches runs about 7 hours from pipe to hatch. I hope things progress better today but I have a feeling I am not going to get a great hatch percentage this time. This is my first hatch with shipped eggs.
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