It's green!

Wow, we practically have matching eggs! Isn't this so exciting! Go, girls, go!!

Sorry to hear about your brown eggs, but I am sure Lulu is a great girl. I must say, I love every egg I collect. I hope the wonder and magic never wears off, but I just can't wait to check for eggs every day.
Sorry to hear about your brown eggs, but I am sure Lulu is a great girl. I must say, I love every egg I collect. I hope the wonder and magic never wears off, but I just can't wait to check for eggs every day.

After 10 years, it's still like Christmas every day
Eggs are just so naturally beautiful, and I still admire them after every gathering.
I posted on facebook, sent out emails, and called DH at work. He took me out for a celebratory dinner tonight. I don't know why everyone doesn't have an EE in their flock. She isn't my prettiest hen, but her egg just blows me away.

I have three and love them all... one of them has been giving me 3 inch long double yolk eggs every other day this week. Not sure why, but they are so big and pretty.

Congratulations on the pretty egg! I'm sure that Lulu is a dear, but it is always nice to get the green or blue eggs. Out of our first flock, we have two EE's and one lays a blue-green egg and the other is an olive-egger. As part of our new flock, I made sure to get three more EE's and only one lays a green egg. It appears the other two lay light brown. I love them, but I am disappointed. I was hoping for more blue and green. Oh, well, maybe next year I will talk to a breeder about real Ameraucanas. Adding two or three to our mix might be fun.
I don't have any EEs. I thought that they laid green, blue or pink eggs. They don't have them at our local feed store where we get our chicks.
We have Ameraucanas - 3 hens and 6 pullets. They all lay eggs that are a little different in color. I think my favorite is a dark olive green one. The shell is really shiny, not dull. I probably like it so much in part because it comes from my sweet Mimi (a beautiful wheaton ameraucana).

I do enjoy all of the different colors of eggs that we collect every day. Our customers do too!

I even take the time when I'm putting a carton together to try and mix all of the colors and make it look pretty
It's another thing that my husband thinks I'm absolutely crazy for, but I'm the one that sells the eggs and gets all of the complements. I do think of them as "my" chickens too. Except when there is work to be done that I can't do by myself
I do enjoy all of the different colors of eggs that we collect every day. Our customers do too!

Mine thinks I'm crazy too because I've been looking for chickens that lay an assortment of colors in eggs. I have three EE's and I also have 2 cuckoo marans that haven't started laying yet. I'm hoping for a darker brown egg. Thinking of adding some Black Copper Marans and some Olive Eggers if I can find any in the area. Love my chickens!​

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