Its like everything is against me


Free Ranging
6 Years
May 11, 2018
Northwest Indiana
So today I sat at my old kenmore because I wanted to make masks for the neighbors to do something nice. But my needle kept dropping the thread and not sewing at all. I spent 2 hours trying to fix it but nothing worked. So I switched to my newer singer to do the job. Got about halfway through one and the needle broke. I changed the needle to a brand new one that was the exact same size and it started doing the same thing as the kenmore! I disassembled the bobbin casing twice to make sure it was clear and adjusted the tension. I tried a test piece and it sewed fine. Great, I thought. Its working now. Began sewing on my project and it slipped the needle. I dont get it. I'm so frustrated I just decided to walk away from it today. I have other things to do and after 5 hours of sewing and repairing I dont even want to look at my machines.
So sorry that you feel that way. It is frustrating. I used to sew a little bit, so I know what you're going through.

I've have those things happen to me too, but not with sewing. Sometimes when I play the ukulele, I flub chords a lot, because I have ADHD. It can be pretty frustrating when it feels like everything is against you.

Some days are better than others, though.

Well, I'm here for you, and many others are here for you. If you need to talk through it, we're all ears.

So sorry that you feel that way. It is frustrating. I used to sew a little bit, so I know what you're going through.

I've have those things happen to me too, but not with sewing. Sometimes when I play the ukulele, I flub chords a lot, because I have ADHD. It can be pretty frustrating when it feels like everything is against you.

Some days are better than others, though.

Well, I'm here for you, and many others are here for you. If you need to talk through it, we're all ears.

I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. I think I'm just too close to it and need to step back because I'm frustrated. It's hard to think clearly when you're frustrated and that's when you make mistakes.
well, I Don't have much experience with sewing, so I can't say what your problem is. However, here's a recommendation.

If I were you, I would just step away from the problem for a little bit and just take some deep breaths. Maybe do something physical to get the frustration out. After that. Try returning to What the problem was, and see if you can solve it. When people are frustrated, it often causes people to think irrationally. Usually when you calm down, you think more rationally, hence, you make better decisions.

That's the way it works for me, I don't know if it works for you or not. You could give it a shot, though.
well, I Don't have much experience with sewing, so I can't say what your problem is. However, here's a recommendation.

If I were you, I would just step away from the problem for a little bit and just take some deep breaths. Maybe do something physical to get the frustration out. After that. Try returning to What the problem was, and see if you can solve it. When people are frustrated, it often causes people to think irrationally. Usually when you calm down, you think more rationally, hence, you make better decisions.

That's the way it works for me, I don't know if it works for you or not. You could give it a shot, though.
Yea I'm done with it for the day. I'll pick it back up tomorrow and see if I can fix at least one machine. I figure since they are doing the same thing what fixes one will fix the other. I ended up taking the dog out and running my errands. When I got back I put the laundry on and did my chicken chores. Now I'm just thinking about it. Thinking what I could have missed. I figure I've spent too much time on it today.
Ok ok....I know I said I wasn't gonna touch it...but I came back to it. Turns out I put the needle in backwards! :th works fine now. Even got the mask done:

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