It's probably a chicken... :D


Jun 24, 2016
San Fernando Valley, L.A.
Hi, Folks; I'm mystified! I'm using a new photo editing software and don't know how to post a pic yet, but I've found a young fowl which appears to be a cross between a chicken, a duck and a pigeon. I'm sure it's young - it peeps quite lyrically - but is fully feathered (white), and has school bus yellow feet and beak (bill?). Its feet are slightly (only slightly) webbed. Its bill/beak is short - like a pigeon's. It scratches and wallows, and it perches on the broomstick perch my chickens have. It also has what may be the beginning of a comb at the top of its beak.
I must admit, I feel pretty silly asking folks - my husband is sure it's a chicken, but those neon feet!! I looked at pix for an hour, and still don't see anything that looks right - except cartoon ducks!
Any thoughts? Thanks! :D

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