I've got a PET Chick


7 Years
May 21, 2012
Northern Kentucky
Another member on this site sent me a picture of one of her roosters hanging out on a hammock with her daughter. It was so cool. He was just sitting there relaxing. My 12 week old EE's like to run up to me when I come outside but they squawk and run away when I pet them. So I decided to start handling my red stars more in hopes of getting a chicken or two that was really tame. I've only been at it about 2-3 days and handling the seven of them several times a day.

Well this morning I gave them some free range time so they could enjoy the cool morning before the 100+ degree weather hits and I was sitting in my camping chair watching them when up in my lap comes one of the little roos. He just stood there and looked at me. I sat there and pet him for a minute or so when a red star gal got word of what was going on and hopped up as well.

I was so thrilled. Here's a picture of my new little friend (with the dark beak).

When chickens are friendly like this will they stay that way or do they get more "chicken" as they get older?

Just wanted to share my excitement because it absolutely made my day. My husband wasn't very impressed when I called him to tell him.
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They all have their own personality. Your rooster is naturally not as afraid as the rest. Alot depends of the situation too. I have a couple that will sit in my lap in the run and others are still affraid. None want to be petted with while out in the yard, they are too busy for all that.
I started hand feeding a petting my chicks as soon as I got them. I had one male that would was so...friendly. He would come up and jump on me and let me love on him. Too bad I can not keep rooster where I live so had to return him to his breeder.
. However, she was nice enough exchange him for a pullet. The new pullet was not handled as much as I handled my chicks so she was more skitish. Now at 8-10 weeks old, what is left of my original chicks( the pullets) are pretty friendly. Let me pet them and hold them..etc... Still not as friendly as the little males. The ones I got later on through the exchange are still not friendly but tolerates me. I can hand feed them but NO petting or picking them up.
Yay! It's exciting when they come sit on you. Least I think so. You have some very pretty birds btw!

I had some reds a few years ago that thought I was a human jungle gym. I got them as babies from the feed store and spent a lot of time messing with them. They remained very friendly into adulthood, sitting on me whenever they got a chance.
Yay! It's exciting when they come sit on you. Least I think so. You have some very pretty birds btw!

I had some reds a few years ago that thought I was a human jungle gym. I got them as babies from the feed store and spent a lot of time messing with them. They remained very friendly into adulthood, sitting on me whenever they got a chance.
oh how fun! Thanks for sharing the picture. The one on the ground is going "how did she get up there?" :)
The danger of owning a friendly chicken.
Tryiing to take a picture of her at 6 weeks old. She is walking up my arm toward the camera/phone, trying to figure out if it is edible.

BTW, she did peck at it.
The danger of owning a friendly chicken.
Tryiing to take a picture of her at 6 weeks old. She is walking up my arm toward the camera/phone, trying to figure out if it is edible.

BTW, she did peck at it.
Too funny. All my chicks are super interested in my camera. When the shutter clicks they all just freeze and stare. Kinda made it easy to get loads of pictures of them yesterday. :)

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