Ivermectin for DOGS for Heartworms?

Good post. I've used Ivermectin on my Golden's since 1996 and never had a case of heartworms. My vet say's the only reason he wants to sell me heartgard is to make a profit to pay for his staff, building, etc. Very honest, I must say. He doesn't like me because I use Ivomec.
I got Lucky from a so called Border Collie Rescue. He is about 15 he is Border/Spaniel Mix. He already had Heartworms at 8 months old. (good old Texas). My $125 re-homing fee turned into a $600 heartworm treatment with the worry that comes with it.
Angus now about 14, a purebred champion line Border, got a "Mouse" a growth in the cartiledge in the shoulder. Borders are prone to this. $1400 later I think my vet makes plenty. We also foster dogs from the local humanitarian shelter.

For all of the people that think money is no object, think again when you go through the expensive procedures and surgeries that those of us who love our dogs as part of the family go through.

My Son going to UTSA in his second year asked us last week, if we could bury our dogs under a large live oak tree in the backyard when they die. We never wanted to talk to him about how old our dogs were getting. Kids even 20 YO ones are amazing.

Lots of dogs even mine do not like the taste of it if I let it soak into a treat but injected into a raw chicken leg does well. If I put the ivermectin on a treat they will eat it but I have to repeat to my dogs "eat it". This takes some time to do though lol. Been worming dogs for 15 yrs and never have had any test positive for parasites.
The owner of my feed store breeds very expensive German Shepherds and he always uses Ivermectin. Just do research on this subject to get more info.

No offense, but this made me laugh out loud...
I have yet to meet any feed store owner that knows what he is talking about! Oh but those feed store clerks and owners love to dish out advice, half the fun for me is to overhear the outrageous bad advice given out at the feed store to poor unsuspecting novices.... No offense, but I have yet to meet a truly knowledgeable feed store owner! (Maybe yours is different)
I think Ivermectin is great. I always give it on the back of the dogs neck. My dog is 3 years old and has never had fleas.

I also use it on all my many cage and aviary birds, from tiny Gouldian finches to big king pigeons. I used it on my chickens to get rid of scaly leg. None of my animals ever got sick from using it. If I did not use it I know several would not be with my now due to air sac mites.
That's a miracle then , since Ivomec doesn't kill fleas
Where did you get that information from?

Ivomec will kill any insect that feeds of the dogs blood. So a fleas sucking up some blood from my dog is a dead flea.

As they all die, there are none to live and reproduce in my house.
I have never seen it work on fleas an this is the first time I have ever seen someone say it does.
Have you tried it for fleas yourself? Just to a quick internet search to find out. What reason do you think it would not work on fleas?

Here is a quick quote
Ivermectin has proven to be successful in treating fleas, ticks, lice, intestinal worms and heartworms in dogs. Never give your dog ivermectin without first talking to your veterinarian. Ivermectin is used off-label--meaning it has not been FDA-approved--for uses in dogs other than heartworm prevention. An effective off-label use of ivermectin is the treatment of dogs infested with mange, including ear mites. There are side effects associated with the use of Ivermectin in dogs, most of which are associated with overdose; so use extreme caution and follow your veterinarian's advice.

Read more: Cattle Ivermectin for Dogs | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5444740_cattle-ivermectin-dogs.html#ixzz2A35zgmPs

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