January Egg Swap Addresses Sent

Would you participate in the January Egg Swap if the hatch is Feb 14

  • Yes, I love this idea.

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • It doesn't matter to me.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • No, this would not work for me.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It doesn't matter to me.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't normally participate anyways.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I just shipped 3 boxes of eggs Sayurday, on to Ok, one to Me, and one to Or. All 3 got there today. When I ship eggs to these same 3 states on Monday or Tuesday, the earliest anybody gets their eggs is Friday or Saturday. The hard part with the waterfowl eggs is no mail Monday and Tuesday is set day for them. If I am sending duck eggs, they may go out tomorrow. They should be there by Saturday and can rest until Tuesday.

Are you sure you had the right address, Jim? All I got today was some horrible junk mail. Nothing nice and fragile like embryos

Yup, it was a swap from the What You Got Swap. I sent BBS Cochin and Iowa Blue.
Are you sure you had the right address, Jim? All I got today was some horrible junk mail. Nothing nice and fragile like embryos

Yup, it was a swap from the What You Got Swap. I sent BBS Cochin and Iowa Blue.

I figured it wasn't me but thought you might be teasing/testing me.
One of my senders has been in contact...My other one PLEASE send my with call for pickup...my mailman is not reliable(my mail always goes to a guy on another road with same box #) and my PO ladies are nice but the window is only open a couple hours a day so if the box wont fit in my box I will get a card from the delivery guy too late( or Stanley will up the road!!LOL) to go pick them up and they will be stuck sitting over night or for weekend!!
If you're under the age of 18, can you still participate in the Valentines day hatch? I'm gonna fill up a turbo fan hovabator with my own eggs and try to get some rom people I know. Buuut, their birds aren't laying and outta 60+ hens, I get btwn 6 and 14 every day.

What's the maximum number of eggs I can set if I perticipate? Coz I'm. Gonna try and get about 50 or 60. I'm test running my incubators now, and one gets 20 degs too hot and the other is 20 too cold.

And can eggs that've been in the fridge for everal hours still hatch? I'm guesstimating the fridge is btwn 40 and 60 degrees...?

And how much would postage be to ship eggs say, 500 miles 6 U.S states away from Florida?

I'd really like to know about the fridge eggs asap... coz I got some nice ones in it.
Yes you may participate. You just are not allowed to swap per BYC rules.

The cost of shipping depends on the weight of the box besides distance.
A lot of sellers charge a flat rate for shipping. I usually charge $12 for 6 eggs and $15 for 12 eggs. I then send extras as well. My last auction for Cochin eggs was for 12 eggs and I sent 18. The eggs, double boxed weighed over 5 pounds and cost my over $14 to send. Then there is the cost of bubble wrap, tape, and fuel to get to the Post Office. I ended up not covering shipping with what I charged, but I want happy customers.

There is no maximum you can set. I set 167 for the NYD hatch.
I hatched 3 eggs that I found in a nest outside my fence...temps at night were in the 20s and daytime temps that week were in the 30s - 40s. So, yes, it's possible to hatch refrigerated eggs.

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