January Egg Swap Addresses Sent

Would you participate in the January Egg Swap if the hatch is Feb 14

  • Yes, I love this idea.

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • It doesn't matter to me.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • No, this would not work for me.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It doesn't matter to me.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't normally participate anyways.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Maybe if we get each other, we can just swap without mailing.

The chicks are doing great, BTW. Most of them are roosters though,
It can get -20 below here in Montana for sure I wouldn't even think about sending out eggs if it got that cold lol no way
I've had eggs freeze at that temp and break lol in the coop even with a heat lamp on my hens o0 lol
Not sure how cold it gets in the airplane??? hmmmm



I think research must be done. lol
Same here. I have had them break because they got so cold. I just got a Easter egger egg yesterday I wasn't worried about collecting them as I am putting them in the fridge but It cracked from the cold Had to let it thaw and feed to the chickens. I just can't see them hatching if they freeze. So I won't join in unless it warms up before the swap begins. Which I don't see happening.
What temps did you have to freeze your eggs? I had 3 eggs in a hidden nest outside for 5 days before I discovered them and the temps at night were in the low 20s with daytime temps 30-40, a water dish 4 feet from the nest (on "my" side of the fence)was a block of ice every morning that week yet the eggs didn't appear frozen so I put them in the incubator and all 3 hatched.
well when it gets -20 below here they freeze and burst. So far though we haven't had those low of temperatures right now. It's been a warm winter here.
If they freeze ya don't wanna set them for sure.
Wow I couldn't handle -20 temps....I can barely handle our one or two weeks of 0 degrees.

What I'm getting at is this: Does anyone know what is the highest low temperature an egg has to be at to freeze? (does that make sense?)
Mine didn't freeze overnight with temps around 22-25 degrees. You'd think they would freeze at 32 degrees.

I'm gonna have to do a little experiment and find out for sure what temps freezes an egg. It's gotta get a lot colder here in MO before I attempt this. Today it was an absolutely beautiful 63 degrees. Felt like spring until I remembered it was the end of December.
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My coop stays pretty warm, so I don't worry unless it gets down to single digits. When I collected eggs for the NYD swap it was in the teens so on the weekend before I shipped I collected twice each morning so they didn't sit too long. As far as I know most are doing pretty well.

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