January Egg Swap Addresses Sent

Would you participate in the January Egg Swap if the hatch is Feb 14

  • Yes, I love this idea.

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • It doesn't matter to me.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • No, this would not work for me.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It doesn't matter to me.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't normally participate anyways.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
It was fun. I enjoy the challenge. I just hope everybody is happy.

Thanks to those that said they would take anything.
mrheinz77 wrote:

I have everybody partnered up. I need to look over everything 1 more time and then I'll send addresses out tonight or in the morning when I can get on my computer. It took a lot of brain power with some sending mixes but only wanting pure but I think I got it figured out.

wow that was really fast!!!......but i thought those sending mixes could only get mixes in return????​
That is how it should be. I understand some only have mixed until their younger birds grow up. They will then send pure in the future. Some swappers just enjoy the idea of hatching and told me they would take anything. Some of them will sell the chicks they hatch while others have crossbred laying flocks and pure breeding flocks. (I am one of them with a mixed laying flock and pure breeding flocks). I ended up doing 3 swaps so some of those who wanted pure could get pure and I took the crossbreds. Up until recently I was hatching my crosses and pures to increase my laying and breeding flocks. Now I am just hatching my pures so I figured what would a few more in my laying flock be?

I'll get addresses out Sunday morning. I had to go out to dinner with the family so I'll be finishing chores late tonight. I need to go AI some heifers for the neighbor first.
Some men just know how to have a good time on a Saturday night!

DH and I just got home from watching bull riding at our local fairgrounds. A warm up for watching the PBR in Sacramento later this month.

Jim, thank you for your efforts. You sure got everybody matched up quickly. This is going to be fun!
Some men just know how to have a good time on a Saturday night!

DH and I just got home from watching bull riding at our local fairgrounds. A warm up for watching the PBR in Sacramento later this month.

Jim, thank you for your efforts. You sure got everybody matched up quickly. This is going to be fun!

I add my thanks to you Jim .. for jumping in to get this organized for us. I, along with probably everyone in a Jan/Feb hatching swap.. is a self admitted hatchaholic.. I love these swaps.
It is a great opportunity to get some breeds that you might not have otherwise.. but even more.. a chance to make some really nice friends while we wait on hatching together. It is so exciting to start gettting those packages in the mail...

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OK Folks,
All addresses are sent. Please make sure you got the correct amount of addresses. When you send your eggs, send your DC# to me as well as your swap partner.

Important Dates
January 17 Duck set day at 4:00 pm local time
January 24 Chicken set day at 4:00 pm local time
Coturnix Quail set day Jan 28 or 29 at 4:00 pm local time
Other varieties of quail ???

When you get your eggs please post here that you got them. I am going to mark off in my spread sheet that everybody got their eggs. If you don't post here, I'll send my screeching gaggle of geese and my 20+ Guineas after you (or maybe to sit outside your bedroom window at dawn)

Anything else I forgot?

Hatch on!

ETA: If you are sending duck eggs, I would recommend to ship this Wed., chicken eggs next Wednesday, and Quail next Saturday or Monday the 23.
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