Java Green peafowl questions

When my clutch of Spaldings was hatched under my Cameo hen in 2013, all was well for about 6 weeks, at that time I had 3 left and in one day 2 of them stripped all the feathers off the third ones neck. I moved the bald one and the momma into a separate pen. All was well and she grew her feathers back, I kept her and sold her 2 brothers who never did feather pick each other. She spent her first winter in the heated barn with Fred her father, and she almost ate his entire train. She was fed plenty of protein, game bird crumbles with cat food and ultra kibble as well as milo and sunflower hearts mixed in. Fruit and peanuts as treats. I ended up moving her in with my 5 yr-old SP male and Roger a white male her age. I have seen her try to pick at the SP's train, but he yanks it away. Her father would just stand there like your male and seemed to enjoy her attentions. He has never had a crest in the 3 years he's been here, he lets all the hens eat it.

Fred with no crest as usual.

This was his train, notice all the tips are gone

I agree with Pfauenfreund, she should be separated. Male greens seem to tolerate this as I hear of many cases of it in greens and spaldings, perhaps a non-green would protest and she would stop.
It's bad what she has done for his train, I remembered you posted an old image for Fred in the past and he looked awesome with full plumage, i have solved feathers picking in chicks before but this hen seems will not stop, at least she isn't picking on his train at the moment, if she did it will be so bad!
It's bad what she has done for his train, I remembered you posted an old image for Fred in the past and he looked awesome with full plumage, i have solved feathers picking in chicks before but this hen seems will not stop, at least she isn't picking on his train at the moment, if she did it will be so bad!
As I mentioned I don’t know if she did it already bevor you got her. If she were picking already before, she looks still ok but all other birds around her were damaged. I’m afraid that it is already an inveterate bad habit. In this case, only another male could solve the problem.
If you have a dominant male this problem could be solved. I have males her where the hens never would try to pick any feather on him. The hens always keep a safety distance to the male, otherwise he would kick her into the a**.
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As I mentioned I don’t know if she did it already bevor you got her. If she were picking already before, she looks still ok but all other birds around her were damaged. I’m afraid that it is already an inveterate bad habit. In this case, only another male could solve the problem.
If you have a dominant male this problem could be solved. I have males her where the hens never would try to pick any feather on him. The hens always keep a safety distance to the male, otherwise he would kick her into the a**.
There was another peahen i got with her, the other peahen has many feathers missing, i think she did this to her, I also have cameo hen in their aviary and she always tries to pick her feathers, but this cameo hen will not let her pick her feathers, my male isn't dominant at all, he is nice with any peahens i could introduce to him, never attacked any peahen before.

There was another peahen i got with her, the other peahen has many feathers missing, i think she did this to her, I also have cameo hen in their aviary and she always tries to pick her feathers, but this cameo hen will not let her pick her feathers, my male isn't dominant at all, he is nice with any peahens i could introduce to him, never attacked any peahen before.

Fred is nice also, the only birds he will put in their place are yearling males, he will show dominance to them, but is not too aggressive. Fred will let the yearlings peck his crest off also.
I find it so weird how they let other peafowl pull out their feathers. Maybe they are confused thinking that the other bird just wants to preen them instead of pull out their feathers?

No, I actually saw her reach out and break this one.

Housing and Perch are the same this year, but she was moved out last Sept. This is his train now without her barbering.

Still no crest though!
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I am looking for some advice or a point in the right direction. I have looked for hours and cannot seem to find pictures of young java peafowl. I bought 2 java greens from a reputable breeder here in virginia about 2 months ago. And they are my first peafowl period. I do raise plenty other types of fowl. But to her surprise we wanted to go with the java green. After seeing the parents how could we not. My daughter and I fell in love. I'm trying to determine if I have 2 females, 2 males or 1 of each. My institution says a peacock and peahen. The difference in their behavior and calls being the reason. But I am limited with knowledge of chickens, ducks and turkeys. So I'm not sure if that even applies when it comes to peacfowl. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I will load pictures. TIA

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