Java Green peafowl questions

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I knew we could, but I never actually knew that was how we did it. It takes a lot to offend me, so I wasn't too worried about the "how to".
Wow! I can not believe how active this thread grew while I was gone! So many people posting beautiful pictures and helpful information! Thank you guys so much! Does anyone know how much pure Java Green hatching eggs cost and who is willing to sell some?
If you find some pure Javanese green hatching eggs let me know! I contacted a peafowl breeder this year explaining how I really wanted pure green peafowl eggs to hatch, and he said he was sorry but he doesn't sell eggs. I did get lucky and a member on here sent me two pure Burmese green eggs for free. So far I am down to one egg as the other didn't fair well in shipping. The one in the incubator I am still not sure about. Shipped peafowl eggs can be tough to hatch so if you can it is always better to get eggs from someone near you or at least try not to get eggs from someone on the other side of the US.

As far as green peafowl eggs go, it seems very rare or almost impossible to find them for sale. I myself wouldn't get green eggs from a hatchery or a site like Ebay. If I could find green eggs, I would want to get them from a trusted breeder. They should be someone others recommend and also you should see photos of the parents of the eggs to be sure they are pure Java eggs.

Why I say no eggs from a hatchery or Ebay is because on a hatchery site I saw that their photo of a green peafowl was an India blue peacock. On Ebay I have seen photos of Spaldings used to sell "Pure green peafowl eggs" and they are "DNA tested pure" but that isn't true of course. I would just feel far more comfortable getting green peafowl eggs from a well known, recommended breeder. That is if you find green eggs. Some places won't even sell young green peachicks you have to wait for them to be older (almost a year old) before you can buy them.

They certainly would be cheaper to buy as an egg because the adults sure can be pricey that is for sure. I hope you can find pure Java eggs I wish I knew where you could get them from.
Hi Alea,
Be careful, in case your eggs might came from hybrid / spalding peafowls that were falsely labelled as pure Java green peafowls.

You could put eggs under IB peahen, but mark the egg with word "G", but you have to rear the Green peachicks yourself otherwise chicks will think they were Indian Blue (IB) peafowl, (imprinting).
Hi Clinton I am being careful about green peafowl eggs or chicks. I would only get eggs or chicks from those breeders who I know have pure green peafowl instead of getting them from ads. I would also ask for photos of the parents of the eggs or chicks just incase or get the eggs or chicks in person if I was close enough (as would be the case with Rocking BAB Ranch).

Doug of D&M Farms sent me two pure Burmese green eggs earlier this year (the pair is from Wolfgang). Unfortunately I think the shipping was rough on the eggs. They were packaged very well but one never developed and the other died very early in incubation. I don't plan on letting one of my peahens raise green peachicks because I would be worried that something would happen to one of the peachicks. Peahens are great mothers, but that doesn't mean that they never lose peachicks to something. The eggs I got from Doug I wrote Green on one side and Burmese on the other.

I would be hand raising green peachicks if I ever got them and keeping them in my off the ground peachick pen until they were big enough to go into a regular ground pen. I have been told that green peafowl seem to be less susceptible to getting sick but I wouldn't chance it.

I went to Rocking BAB Ranch last year and saw all three green subspecies that have been imported from Wolfgang as well as green peafowl from American stock. I have never seen so many green peafowl in one place! Here are a few of the photos I got:
Several of the young green peafowl he had for sale.

My favorite green he has...A Muticus Muticus.

Me too. But now I'm really confused. Why don't you want a java chick to imprint on an india blue hen? Wouldn't it make the java easier to handle? I do completely understand wanting to protect the chick, but aside from that, why is it a problem?
I think what Clinton meant is that you don't want the green peafowl to think that they are India Blues because then they may not act like green peafowl but act more like an India Blue.

I am not sure if having an India Blue variety raise green peafowl would make a difference or not. They probably would be tamer if you hand raised them. My peahen raised peafowl are not as tame as my hand raised peafowl.

The main concern with green peafowl is their endangerment. You want to try and preserve their instincts and behavior since they are endangered due to habitat loss, poaching, etc. I have read that when green peafowl are around India Blues they start making noises more like an India blue. Not sure if that is true or not, but green peafowl do have different sounding noises that they make compared to India Blues.

Also I guess you wouldn't want green peafowl being raised with India Blues and thinking that they should choose an India Blue as a mate. I don't know if that could be a problem especially if once they are adults you have them in their own pen, but it sure would be awful to have a perfectly good pair of green peafowl that wouldn't want to mate with each other.

This overview video of green peafowl shows a green peafowl calling. I don't think India Blues make any noise like that:
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Ok yall sos need help my peacock Indian blue had been breeding with my amercona chicken her eggs are larger then befor and have clearly been fertilized when I crack one open to eat it ,now my blk sholder peahen has layed 4 eggs in the dead of winter and they all will not let me get close enuf to stop her from this odd mix ,has any one ever seen a peacock chick mix? Also will the peachicks be ok in the winter I have heat lamps on her but all of them go on attack mode when I go in the house... help.

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