Java Thread

I see no evil,hear no evil,and not speaking any evil !!!!!!!

I did not get any pics if your talking to me.

Not the link I sent for phot album !??! LOL ???
ha ha
what kind of pastel duckles are ya needing ?
I have 2 skovies someone gave me.........they are stealing my heart !!!
I have hatched a mess of wine bottle duckles for another friend here as I have hatching service....but thez 2 skovie girls are stealing my heart and... geeze they are nice duckles, QUIET calm., stick to their yard, free range, are very NICE.
She is beautiful...and looks passive & good tempered and nice blue/slate legs.
Are her soles yellow ?
As if she has walked through mustard ?
Lorad is well respected here on BYC.
This was not one of those horrible egg/shipping incidents you spoke of, is it ?

nope got 2 dozen and about 3/4 hatched 7 pullets the rest roosters. yes they have yellow on the bottoms of their feet. I got to checking when I got jgs so was easy to follow through with them too. Sad thing is when I pick the rest of the breeds up and dont see yellow I do a double take now.

added ~ call duck. my ducks got taken when down at the big pond so all i have for him is a chocolate duck. I would love to have pure pastle though.
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nope got 2 dozen and about 3/4 hatched 7 pullets the rest roosters. yes they have yellow on the bottoms of their feet. I got to checking when I got jgs so was easy to follow through with them too. Sad thing is when I pick the rest of the breeds up and dont see yellow I do a double take now.

added ~ call duck. my ducks got taken when down at the big pond so all i have for him is a chocolate duck. I would love to have pure pastle though.

I will PM my friend then, about pastles.
Good looking babies !
The Auburns intrigue me, yet cannot explain that to Monte, no way will he go for it, but it is a fact his line is pure, and maybe another line had 1 tiny gene of something in there...whatever it was the birds are beautiful & DO have excellent java 'type'.

OK OK OK.............Monte has tutored me somewhat on the mottled gene & how it can rear it's beautiful head from a flock of blacks. This si naturally occuring....and I have 1 hen hatched from his eggs that has light brown eyes, otherwise appears a black Java...see here here, the one second from the outside hen:

Her comb is still blue as she was just 4 mo old when I took this pic, and her she is again:

Behind her you see an dark eyed hen as comparison.
The light eyed hen cannot be shown, as Black java SOP says Dark dark brown eyes.
Since this girl has the mottled gene "lurking" she can be breed to another with the gene & produce mottled chicks.
Thus passing on excellent type.
I am not sure how many of her chicks would be mottled & how many black...but I think he said 100%.
As long as I breed her to a black with no genetic signs of mottled, she should only lay eggs to hatch black,'There needs to be 2 parents with the mottled gene to hatch mottled.
Ya happy now ???????????

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