Jersey Giant - white earlobes???

Eggcellent Adventure

In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 27, 2011
We bought 2 jersey giants from a breeder (local). One has all red on face/ears/comb, but the other is starting to get white earlobes. Could it be that the breeder crossed with a Minorca? We are new to chickens so not sure if this is unusual. Also she was the first to lay an egg this morning, a big pinkish double yolker. I was surprised since JG are supposed to be slow to mature, she is only 22 weeks. Will these earlobes get my daughter disqualified from our local county show? We thought we had a JG so entered her in that division. Thanks!
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I'll post a new pic with the earlobes, but you can see them starting here when she was a month younger: They've gotten bigger and whiter now....
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Thanks, this is a more recent pic and you can see the white is coming out more and more... confused.... maybe not a pure jersey giant? Although bought from someone who shows them locally. We adore her anyway and SO excited about our early egg today!!!

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