Joined Facebook and regret it now.....deleted page

Well my husband had a page too and his mom went off when he posted a positive comment on his page. So we just decided to delete our pages, we figured it was best for us.
i only like facebook to see pics of my brother and his kids....only. i could really care less "what others are doing".
i deleted lots of people, even a family member, to which i got "heck" from.

i dont post alot. i like to see the pictures,
mostly, too bad theres not a social website "just for pictures".
anyways, my husband doesnt have one, and he doesnt care if he does.
i have thought many times of deleting my page. i found myself checking on it too many times during the day.
goodluck to you.

People get 'brave' from behind their computers. I hate facebook, I refuse to ever sign up or even go on it. Thou my mom and other family bug me to. IMO, your better off without it.
Well, we joined facebook...It keeps changing format so I continue to get losst, Jac was set up first (hubby), I Nancy borrowed his so much I said to self, get your own face book and then all the chickens wanted facebook so now we have three and the third one was The Garry Farm.

I'm sorry that this is happening to you. I enjoy connecting with people. I'm still sorting through friends....Have a few with a wild bad mouth and really amazes me. but it does help us stay in touch with family and friends and byc as well!!!

Wishing and praying for your peace. Nancy
Flickr and picasaweb are both "pictures only" photo sharing sites, as is photobucket. You can "favorite" people and get notificaiton whenever they add photos.
Flickr and picasaweb are both "pictures only" photo sharing sites, as is photobucket. You can "favorite" people and get notificaiton whenever they add photos.

i only know of "shutterfly"...thanks ill check the others.
Same problems here on facebook, so much family drama. It's kind of funny they feel free to post there and yet won't say it to your face. It's that same on any chat type website. For me it's very hard since I say what comes to mind. The mods here can tell you that about me and I have been a PIA to them.
Most times it's best to just be quiet and go with the flow. Get away from the issues and they go away is my best advice.

Most of my facebook 'friends' are people from here, or just random people that I've picked up for the games. That's mostly what I use FB for, playing games

Though I do have a lot of people on there that I went to H.S. with, but I rarely talk to them. Family consists of one sister, a SIL, a nephew, a niece, and a few cousins...though I hardly talk to them either.

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