Juice cleanse

I have about the same issues as you. The cleaning out of the digestive tract and eliminating all simple carbohydrates will cause yeasty beastie to die off and you will fill bad. However, the adrenal glands are compromised by the yeast, so if you can clean up the intestines improve the adrenal glands it my help improve the thyroid issues. The first 6 days were very difficult for me, but I was starting to have some serious chemical sensitivities, and I felt that This was worth a try.

This link is not about thyroid, but it addresses it in the conversation. You mentioned in some previous posts that You have been under some stress lately and it may apply to you. It addresses thyroid at the bottom, but it is all worth reading. http://www.holistichelp.net/adrenal-fatigue.html

I think anytime you can replace a meal with juice you are making a positive effort. I think why juice works so well is that you get the enzymes and vitamins fresh and un-compromised by heat and cold. It is absorbed quickly in a digestive system that is not bogged down with trying to digest the fiber. My intestines are extremely efficient at saving all the moisture they can -was that a delicate enough way of saying it?- and I have not had any problem with anything. Which is quite nice, frankly.

I am very happy with how much better I feel. My family sees the difference and it is so worth the effort.
Was skimming over the newer post & seen the newly sparked coconut oil chatter. I LOVE coconut oil almost anywhere you would put butter. Pancakes & toast YUM! Also have heard of people using the oil in their coffee. Never tried it, but lots say they love it.
Planting lots of extra juicing supplies in my garden this season. Nothing better than juicing fresh picked produce.
I have about the same issues as you. The cleaning out of the digestive tract and eliminating all simple carbohydrates will cause yeasty beastie to die off and you will fill bad. However, the adrenal glands are compromised by the yeast, so if you can clean up the intestines improve the adrenal glands it my help improve the thyroid issues. The first 6 days were very difficult for me, but I was starting to have some serious chemical sensitivities, and I felt that This was worth a try.

This link is not about thyroid, but it addresses it in the conversation. You mentioned in some previous posts that You have been under some stress lately and it may apply to you. It addresses thyroid at the bottom, but it is all worth reading. http://www.holistichelp.net/adrenal-fatigue.html

I think anytime you can replace a meal with juice you are making a positive effort. I think why juice works so well is that you get the enzymes and vitamins fresh and un-compromised by heat and cold. It is absorbed quickly in a digestive system that is not bogged down with trying to digest the fiber. My intestines are extremely efficient at saving all the moisture they can -was that a delicate enough way of saying it?- and I have not had any problem with anything. Which is quite nice, frankly.

I am very happy with how much better I feel. My family sees the difference and it is so worth the effort.
Thank you for the info.

My concern is that along with vitamins, sugar from the fruit an vegetables would be absorbed quickly into the system without the fiber to slow it enough, causing sugar spikes. Also for some people you run the risk of getting too much vitamins in the system at once. Add in the limited protein and fat intake from the juice cleanse and there is a risk of loosing fat soluble vitamins, and damage to the muscles as the body cannibalizes the tissue for the protein it desperately needs.

It is why I want to do some juicing but I need to figure out a way to incorporate it into a solid food diet that will maximize the benefits of both.

Fiber in itself is not bad. It is necessary for intestinal health. Whole oatmeal is great for digestive health as an example. What about mostly a vegetable based juice to drink along with my meals?
Thank you for the info.

My concern is that along with vitamins, sugar from the fruit an vegetables would be absorbed quickly into the system without the fiber to slow it enough, causing sugar spikes. Also for some people you run the risk of getting too much vitamins in the system at once. Add in the limited protein and fat intake from the juice cleanse and there is a risk of loosing fat soluble vitamins, and damage to the muscles as the body cannibalizes the tissue for the protein it desperately needs.

It is why I want to do some juicing but I need to figure out a way to incorporate it into a solid food diet that will maximize the benefits of both.

Fiber in itself is not bad. It is necessary for intestinal health. Whole oatmeal is great for digestive health as an example. What about mostly a vegetable based juice to drink along with my meals?
You may want to check out the juice lady's turbo diet, its low glycemic and some good recipes for meals.
Day twenty. I am getting tired of juice.but, My jeans fit better so I am happy.

But mostly I am going through allergy season right now and I have not had a claritin in twenty days.
That is so HUGE for me.

I have more energy, and I was getting thick skin from the hypothyroidism, and it is feeling softer and smoother. That is so nice. I appreciate that.

The garden is looking fantastic, I will get to juice from it in two weeks.

And, I have been trying for the last year to get our nursery back into production and get stock back up for sale. Today a broker called with and order -and I am so elated. Our first order in six years. I am happy happy happy. I am getting my life back.

...and the plants look so nice.
It's been a good day.
Day twenty. I am getting tired of juice.but, My jeans fit better so I am happy.

But mostly I am going through allergy season right now and I have not had a claritin in twenty days.
That is so HUGE for me.

I have more energy, and I was getting thick skin from the hypothyroidism, and it is feeling softer and smoother. That is so nice. I appreciate that.

The garden is looking fantastic, I will get to juice from it in two weeks.

And, I have been trying for the last year to get our nursery back into production and get stock back up for sale. Today a broker called with and order -and I am so elated. Our first order in six years. I am happy happy happy. I am getting my life back.

...and the plants look so nice.
It's been a good day.
Amazing to hear how much better your doing, so happy for you. Your doing great! Keep juicing
Day twenty. I am getting tired of juice.but, My jeans fit better so I am happy. But mostly I am going through allergy season right now and I have not had a claritin in twenty days. That is so HUGE for me. I have more energy, and I was getting thick skin from the hypothyroidism, and it is feeling softer and smoother. That is so nice. I appreciate that. The garden is looking fantastic, I will get to juice from it in two weeks. And, I have been trying for the last year to get our nursery back into production and get stock back up for sale. Today a broker called with and order -and I am so elated. Our first order in six years. I am happy happy happy. I am getting my life back.
...and the plants look so nice. It's been a good day.
Good job!!!!!!!! No meds in 20 days???????? :weee I am so happy to hear that things are going well. You are doing great. Keep it up. Not much longer. :D :thumbsup
I plan to do another 20 days. The full 30 days just does not seem that impossible anymore. Also the cravings for things I knew I did not want -but ate anyway- are gone.

Parsnip, beet, apple, and carrot is very good by the way.
Thanks for postin g.. this looks good..
I am considering getting a juicer but I want a really good one. One that is easy to use and clean, compact, versatile, sturdy, and gets all the juice out while saving the dry pulp, so I can freeze it and use it in cooking for the added fiber.
you're asking for alot . in one machine.. Fast/ and dry / ect.. -- i think you for got "quiet.."
_ grin_ just kiddin ya..

but serious about the below.. <warning strong personal feelings.. about to spew>
so after hounding my mother.. to try.. juicing.. ( not smoothies - she just cant understand there can be a difference in the results)
she used my juicer and lost 3.5 lbs in first 2.5 days
--- good start. - so we went on line.. to get her one that fits her needs best..

http://discountjuicers.com/information.html here is a good place to educate your self.. videos on how to and compairisions
the list of links on the left. provide much variety. Knowing just what you want to juicemost.. will help in deciding.
also knowing what is available as produce .. to put in the machine will be good too.

If i had a very serious health condition. .I would want to juice wheat grass. and kale ( dark greens. have the highest nutrients to promote healing)
more below
I do not want to give up the fiber that is essential for good bowel health

heart / thyroid/
you do not need the fiber.. to juice ... and keep your bowel healthy.. ( it is safe.. )
there is soluble and insoluble fiber in vegetable's and fruit. you'll still be getting some. ( and some will go to compost.)
Fiber is needed more to process the meat and cheese and other fake food stuff's ( that are poorly digested with out fiber).. the reason Dr's and Nutritionists.. harp on this is that the "SAD" is very lacking in fiber... you can resume.. intake of fiber.. when you begin eating solid foods.

There is protien in Juice from plants.. - how do those cow's get so big? ( meat is not the only source of protein)

This (Juicing) will help your gut... Fasting is a time tested thearpy.. Juice Fasting.. is safe too.. if you are worried about the glucose.. then by all means limit your fruit intake to 30% of juice from fruit.. however even diabetics.. improve rapidly on a juice fast.. they have recomended recipies for that google is your friend and mine.

and if you are too afraid to start juicing with out a Dr approval then get your self a dr who works in the "alternative" field.. and or food thearpy. http://www.drfuhrman.com/success/success.aspx
and https://www.standardprocess.com/Home has a find a dr in your area.
They even have nutritionist online at http://www.rebootwithjoe.com/ who will walk you thru the process.

speeking of if you have not watch the Fat Sick and Nearly Dead Documentary, yet.. its time to do it..

it sounds as if you have some serious health challanges.. if you can take controll now.. you can avoid - lots of medication and dr' visits.

and .. for sure.. watch the documentary. Before doing any thing else.. seeing is believing.
. https://www.google.com/search?q=sick+fat+and+nearly+dead&aq=f&oq=sick&aqs=chrome.1.57j59j65l2j62l2.7445j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#hl=en&sclient=psyb&q=watch+sick+fat+and+nearly+dead&oq=watch+fat+and+nearly+dead&gs_l=serp.1.0.0i7j0i7i30l3j0i8i30l6.5712.25425.2.27659.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45107431,d.dmg&fp=d14b4293a52428ed&biw=920&bih=505
several places on line for free maybe even youtube..

if you have a glucometer you can use it to check your levels.. but if your not on medication for diabetes it most likely is not necessary.

Kristi It sounds like you have some well meaning folks.. giving you "scary" information.. just from your last post, that have influenced you away from a very safe and proven treatment.. ( remember .. once apon a time.. they thought the world was flat.. )

I hope you'll look at the video.. and get some one who has used this.. to coach you..
Many well meaning folks.. will discourage you.. because they heard some thing.. that may or may not be true.
Some of those people will be Dr's.
Dont be scared away by well meaning folks.. and Dr's that are ignorant.

- i admit that i'm on a soap box.. -- please forgive my entheusiastic outburst.. i just couldnt help my self.
I am not mad at you.. but I am very frustrated.. that the many people will suffer needless ly because.. a well meaning "Authority" discouraged them.
I hope that is not you.

I came back and wanted to .. add.. that some of the above.. is venting.. bcz .. finally after years.. of asking my mother . to do some thing nutritionally.,
she just started monday.. on the juicing.. ( not smoothies )
She takes 5 medications.. and
has a History of cancer . acid reflux. Headachs.. Migraines , foggy thinking , thyroid dx, and is on hormone patches. and cannot loose weight..
and after 2.5 days.. she lost 3.5 lbs.. and is going to do the 10 day.. fast.
--- she says.. its so easy.. she thinks she can do it.. ( and still feed dad too). I so wish she would have tried this 10 years ago..
just think how many day's with out the head ach's.. she could have had. ( the jury is still out of course.. but I'll be watching)

so you think I'd be happy.. Some one Call Dr Phill.. " why is this woman not happy"

Kristy.. I'm sorry. if my frustration was taken out on you.. I hope you'll still come here for support from the others
I'm not sorry for the passion i have for this.. but that i could learn better way to introduce a very powerful - healing - and potentially life saving thearpy.

and .. adding one big. (16-24 oz) glass / day will certainly help.. - but if your sick.. - do try to work into .. the 10 day.. / or do one whole day.. 2- 3 days a week.. ( i bet it will suprise you)

Ok.. going to take my chill pill. and juice me a big glass.. right now.!
Day twenty. I am getting tired of juice.but, My jeans fit better so I am happy.

But mostly I am going through allergy season right now and I have not had a claritin in twenty days.
That is so HUGE for me.

I have more energy, and I was getting thick skin from the hypothyroidism, and it is feeling softer and smoother. That is so nice. I appreciate that.

The garden is looking fantastic, I will get to juice from it in two weeks.

And, I have been trying for the last year to get our nursery back into production and get stock back up for sale. Today a broker called with and order -and I am so elated. Our first order in six years. I am happy happy happy. I am getting my life back.

...and the plants look so nice.
It's been a good day.
well you'all may not want to chat with me after that..
but .. whats in your nursery?? - congrats. on the baggy pants.. btw.
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Hey, I understand your frustration. My mom loves to complain. I would come up with solutions for her and she would dismiss everyone as useless. then I would just do those things for her and fix her problems, then she'd get grumpy that she did not want such and such 'done'. Man, I took a perfectly good gripe away from her and now how was she going to keep herself entertained? I was holding the phone with one hand listening to her moan on and on and hitting myself in the forehead with the other hand.
I did wise up and just told her if she can't be 'good' company then call someone else because it was not as entertaining to me as it is to her.
But on the upside, your mom finally listened and is seeing results, so even though it frustrated you, you made some impact on her.

Really, I understand.

Nursery, I just got back from there. I grow hibiscus from cuttings and sell liners to other nurseries. It is hard work, and if I do not start my day with juice and have a glass when I get home, then I run flat and crash. I think the only way I can keep this up is to keep juicing forever. There is no going back. Back did not work.

I have been watching the youtubes and I think the omni is the one for me. I hate to have to wait for the rest of the house to bee sufficiently awake for me to juice something. The one I have may even wake the neighbors across the street, so I understand why I have to peal the other members of this household off of the ceiling if I do not warn them that I am going to juice before hand.
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