July Hatch-a-long

so sweet
I have 6 more pips... #3 hasn't pipped or zipped any further and it's been 12 hours. Just in case; I wanted to know when is the acceptable amount of time to pass before you help it zip? I was thinking of doing it tonight *if I even need to do this* when I have to move a couple into the brooder. I made a first timer mistake and put too many in the incubator
all have pip and starting to zip except one ill post a pic but shes coming out the side!!!!! why do they do this??? all the others from my last hatch did this to but died shortly after hatching what am I doing wrong?????
6 out one died half way through zipping, i opened the shell and it was moist no sticking, chick was fully formed and yolk absorbed.. so disapointing... one more has started to zip, waiting on 5 more eggs to do something....
Thanks! I thought about getting some hatching eggs again, this time from Fancy Favie since she is closer to me than the other person I got eggs from, and they wouldn't have so far to travel, but my husband said to just get a pair of birds so I'd be (more or less) assured of getting them alive, and it would definitely be a roo and hen!
Oh, no! That's too bad, I'm sorry to hear it. At least you got one chick, though, and hopefully it isn't a roo!
I have 6 more pips... #3 hasn't pipped or zipped any further and it's been 12 hours. Just in case; I wanted to know when is the acceptable amount of time to pass before you help it zip? I was thinking of doing it tonight *if I even need to do this* when I have to move a couple into the brooder. I made a first timer mistake and put too many in the incubator
Looks like it won't need help after all :D 8 pipped, 2 hatched. I really need to get them out. They have nowhere to rest, except on eggs that are pipping. dont worry I'm sitting on my hands right now!!!
all have pip and starting to zip except one ill post a pic but shes coming out the side!!!!! why do they do this??? all the others from my last hatch did this to but died shortly after hatching what am I doing wrong?????
I had some from my last hatch do that too. Very frustrating! I don't know if its from a humidity issue, but I know my unit's digital hygrometer was reading low by up to 10%! I won't trust it next time.

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