June 2015 Hatch A Long HAL


Well, I am thrilled at the hatch last night. 5/5 Cemani hatched, 2/4 silkies and one EE hatched. I am amazed because my hatching incubator is out of service. These guys went through lockdown with my peafowl hatch, Cemani and bantams. I did keep the humidity at lockdown at 55% and they were up in the turners. I wasn't sure what effect it would have. Feeling blessed!
Well, that ends that! I went out to check on my broody hen and she was sitting on egg shells and dust. There were a bunch of ants in the shells too. Can ants destroy 4 eggs overnight like that? She is refusing to budge from the nest and give up the brood even though there is nothing left. Now, I have to find a way to help her break the broodiness.
So I'm having a slight freak out now that one has hatched, I'm worried the other wont hatch for a couple days or maybe not hatch at all :( I'm second guessing my decision to leave them in the nesting boxes to hatch. And that chicks is already looking for food and climbing around, I thought it might fall out a couple times. Ugh. It'll all work out right?

I have an area to put them the moms and babies once all the eggs have hatched but am scared to move the I hatched eggs at this point, you shouldn't touch them right?
...that seems super odd for ants to decimate all the eggs overnight...your hen would be chewed up too. Something must have got them...or they hatched and something got the babies???

...as far as the broody hatch I am a newbie too. I keep sticking eggs under my broody. She has a D'Uccle baby that's a week old and a silkie thats a day old and I stuck the last silkie egg under her this am. Everyone else had hatched and this had piped internally. I figured ...what the heck...since it was one of my own eggs anyhow!

I also put food and water right next to her and dipped the chicks beaks in it. I know she's eating bc I clean broody poo's out!

Good luck everyone!

Thank you! I was working on my incubation skills since November before investing in the Cemani eggs. And then when my hatcher crashed I was like...." Well, of course it did"!!!! So, feeling blessed at this point to have such beautiful little chicks!

So, this hatch had 5 Cemani, last week 3 and I have a baby from Pyxis too. Hopefully, some will be hens! Unlike my hona's which are almost all roosters! Lol!

Thanks Pyxis...these are so cute! I think there are two perfect ones in the crew!!!

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