Just a thank you


11 Years
Nov 9, 2008
Central Oklahoma
I do not come on here as much as I used to(or would like too)but rely on this site for information and help. When I first found this site, I read every thread about problems with chicks, etc. to prepare myself for raising chicks. I recently had a chick hatch with splayed leg. I remember someone saying something on here about putting a bandaide between their legs. Well, IT WORKS! I'm so happy. My first thought was to cull, but it's such a pretty little chick I gave it a try. The little stinker will probably turn out to be a rooster now, but it won't have messed up legs! Thank you to who ever it was that posted that thread long ago.
I'm always reading "tid-bits" like that...while they don't apply to me now, I mentally store them for later
Agreed--I am new to chickens -4 weeks into being a "chicken Mom" . I had no clue as to how to raise chicks, this site provides a wealth of information, and it's not like a book were they are telling you just 1 way to do things ( the authors way)--this site is from many different people who do things differently, so you get a few variations in how to go about stuff. And then you can find what works for you. So thank you everybody for sharing information and tips on raising our flock.

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