Just call me MotherGoose :D!! Day 1 Photos

Congrats on the newest addition and my fingers are crossed for the next 2. I have 3 eggs in one bator that are set to hatch on the 26th and 28 and then yesterday I put 17 goose eggs in the bator..I had 5 of my own which I know are fertile, 6 that I got at the swap meet Sunday. I traded 18 mixed banty chicks for these goose eggs. I am not sure if they are pure african and pure ebdem or if they are crosses of them, I think pures. THe lady didnt know which eggs were which. Then I received 6 eggs from 92caddy ( Ed). I will be on pins and needles in 28 days..lol I was just able to get them all in my home made bator. It is deeper so they will have more room to stand. Good luck, Jenn
#2 is almost out. #3 is just now trying to pip.

Miss Prissy,
Congratulations on the new babies,
I've got 19 goose & duck eggs in the bator & 6 are hatching now also. One of the little geese was having trouble so I "helped" him & when he came out there wasn't much blood but the yoke is still attached to his rear end. I hope I didn't kill him. Good luck on the last one.


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