Just curious who else is living super frugal

sticking things like pasta and flours and such in the freezer for a couple of days before you pack it for storage also helps stop the little critters.
Try some puff ball mushrooms.....I use to only hunt for the morels in the spring, but toward summer and fall the puff balls are great and I enjoy them much better then the morels. Try canning some venison, turns out very tender.
This was meant for Heatherlynn...guess I didn't do it right... oh well I'll get it figured out.
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I have been watching tutorials on mushroom hunting. I knew about the puffball. Been reading and watching a ton on the chicken of the woods. Morels are one thing that was considered a bit harder which is why we are finding someone to teach us a bit. Might talk him into helping me further with other foraging. Apparently this was a family activity when his grandfather was a bit younger. Looking forward to it. I am already collecting venison recipes.
Some people seemed so strange to me. A man in a restaurant asking people if they had any leftovers he could take home...not for the dogs but for himself, stealing catsup packages etc.
Another family obviously freaked people out because she used family cloth and ... You could almost feel the audience shudder... She gathered a salad from wild greens in a nearby park. She made all her own cleaning products and bought outdated cheese.
Husband and I burst out laughing. I don't think we had realized we qualified as extreme cheapskates.
I think the world would consider us very cheap if they saw some of our ways, Rathbone. I find that most people don't understand that I don't spend a life of deprivation...I just do without~or make my own~ things that are not important to me so that I can afford those things that are. It's all about expending effort on the things that count instead of those that do not...why work all those hours to spend your money on that name brand detergent, new clothing that are identical to those at Good Will, or a new car that gets you to point B the same as the car that isn't taking a monthly payment?

If folks could just see the big picture of all the sacrifices of time and money they make on silly things, they might step back and prioritize so their efforts could be better focused on things that matter most.

I find that many have lost the ability to prioritize their lives, if they ever possessed it at all.

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