Just curious who else is living super frugal

I already know Vit D is a problem area for all of us so that is a supplement already being taken here. Kefir is a favorite although I STILL have not started making my own. I will eventually, its on the list. Just making my own I already know Vit D is a problem area for all of us so that is a supplement already being taken here. Kefir is a favorite although I STILL have not started making my own. I will eventually, its on the list. Will save a fortune. My kids love Kefir and will drink it just like they would milk. I could easily spend 60 or more on just yogurt and Kefir in a month.

I would like to cook so much heathier. I just gotta do it on a tight budget. I am finding though that even making from scratch and avoiding the convenience foods just doesn't save enough to make up for the costs of the healthier foods. I am just looking for ways to get the best of both worlds. Even if I can just make small improvements I think that will show health improvements. I bought flax seeds thinking that but I simply don't know how to cook with them apparently. Everything I added it to my husband deemed GROSS. It did not go well. So I just gotta find the right recipes. Problem is I look at all these healthy recipes and none of it my family will eat and the stuff they will is way out of the budget.

Oh and btw stuff like elderberry syrup and anything hylands is MUCH cheaper on Swansons website than buying from the health food store. Tons cheaper.
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. . . Problem is I look at all these healthy recipes and none of it my family will eat and the stuff they will is way out of the budget.. . .

But that's EXACTLY how you get them to eat it! If that's the only thing on offer, they will eat it when they are hungry. They may turn up their noses at first (I feed it to the chickens) but after a while, and a ton of growling stomachs, they will eat, and after a bit longer, they will get to like it.

Just offer the good stuff. . . they will eat! (Heck, I have even picked dandelions, and put it in salads - you know, if you salt dandelions, then rinse later and saute them, they lose all bitterness and are much like spinach, and FREE!)
I could convince the older ones. Its the babies that would balk really. My older ones are freakishly good about food. I get funny looks because they love stuff like asparagus, broccolli and brussel sprouts. They didn't much care for but still tried radish salad made from our garden. They will eat sushi when we go out. They went nuts for crab and salmon to the point they would much rather have that than pizza. They are open to trying almost anything a few times before they will declare they don't much care for something. The littles however are in the onery age. Dear GOD soooooooo onery. I think my youngest makes up for her size with pure stubborness.

Sooo I talked it over with the hubby and i am making the jump. I went ahead and budgeted for the order.:) Money well spent I think. I am going to order milk and water kefir grains. I really think that alone will save us a good bit and provide a solid health benefit.

This weekend is a planting day for the garden too. We got all the seeds we wanted but we are planting EVERYTHING. Extra tomato and pepper plants will be sold cheap and should make up for our outlay in seeds. We even have a family that would like to come work in the garden with us in exchange for extra produce. We are expanding this year and we had tons extra last year that we gave away so I said sure. Should be fun. I am so happy garden season is finally almost here. I can't wait for the fresh beans and beets. YUM I will go on a meatless week just for some fresh beets.

Oh and check out tsc inside. Apple trees for $12. We got some last year that did fantastic!! We bought several more this year.
Hey Heather, do you do freezer meals? I am just getting started on it as I work full time and go to school full time and it helps curve our convience urges. I just saw you posted about convience and home cooking. Most of the meals for freezer meals has no prep. Thaw and bake in oven, or thaw and pop in the micro.

Heres a link.

This weekend I am doing taco pasta, cider sauced pork chops, chicken tenders, and pancakes!
I am not good at the freezer meal thing yet. I made a few for a nephew this week and thats the most I have ever made. Its something I have thought about, I just seem to have a hard time putting the plan into action. Its on the list though.
Yeah I hear ya. This is actually my first weekend trying it. Hence why i only picked one breakfast, on lunch and two dinners. I can't see myself doing that whole menu all at once, unless maybe I had friends doing it with me. I also like doing the picking and choosing rather than doing there whole menus as i can then figure what two meals when that meat is on sale! Hehe.

Well I did the triple batch of taco pasta, and it was real good. Did about 8 pancakes and have a lot more of those to go...

Half my kitchen is packed up due to us sanding/staining the cupboards. So my dh told me to start packing things. My kitchen is a hot mess right now. Sigh.
Raiquee, thanks for posting that OAMC site, they have a gluten free/dairy free option plan with some recipes I have not tried
Always on the hunt for things we can actually eat these days!
What a great thread :) My hubby and I try to live frugally and are gradually building more and more towards self-sustainability (a big reason why I got my chickens, for eggs and meat). We'd eventually like to raise and grow the majority of our own food. I follow a paleo/primal type diet and my hubby is pretty close to it as well. We stay out of debt, even with vehicles, and have worked hard to save a nice chunk of money to be able to put about half down on an acreage we are hoping to buy this spring, so our mortgage should stay low and will be the only debt we have. Once we move I can make a much bigger garden and get more chickens, and we hope to raise some hogs and get a milk cow as well. We both grew up on small farms like this so luckily we know how to do most of it. We live in a tiny hamlet of 170 people now, but it still seems too much like "town" and we'll be happy to be out in the country again soon! We have 2 horses that we keep at my in-laws' farm right now and I can't wait to have them at home as well.

We try to keep our lives simple and clutter-free. I think we're a lot happier that way than trying to keep up with the Joneses like a lot of others in our area. We are going to start trying for our first baby soon and I'm very interested in cloth diapering, making your own baby food, and other natural, healthy parenting techniques.

ETA: I am celiac so gluten free for me too! I try to follow a paleo/primal diet as well so most of my recipes are gluten and dairy free. I'd love to share some and am reading through this thread to see what others' have posted :) I love to cook!!
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