Just curious who else is living super frugal

I have canned over 30 quarts of green beans...first time canning ANYTHING! I am SO excited! I would love to live up on a mountain, isolated somewhere and live off the land! Our first ear of sweet corn was ready today...I ate it raw...it was wonderful! Can't wait to freeze our corn! Gave away some fresh green beans to our neighbors, who were so grateful. Have gotten three tiny eggs from my first ever chickens, so far! I LOVE this stuff!!!
That's wonderful!

I want to live off the land more, but in my dream it is more like Little House on the Prairie, where everyone helps their neighbors....
I agree, living off the land in a community is my long term goal. Until then I will work on building the necessary skills and looking for like-minded people.
And thanks krcote for a new website to browse! great stuff!!
When I became disabled, I went from $100,000 to $13,000 a year. Amazing how I learned to cut corners. My sister said I could pinch a penny so tight that Lincoln would scream for mercy.
Some things I have learned Internet and TV satellite service are not a necessity (I use my IPad for Internet...$30 a month verses $160). Three cars (one is more than enough), no need to go to town everyday (18 miles oneway), plan trips and do everything that one trip (a Dr appt also means shopping, banking, visiting with family and friends, etc.) may take the whole day, but costs a lot less. Non-name brand is as good as name brand anything.
On clothes, garage sales thrift stores etc are great. I tend to wear shorts and tank or tshirts most of the time. I found a website that sells case lots of clothes. They are seconds, but are in great shape. As an example I bought a case of 36 tank tops in assorted colors, sizes 2X and 3X for what amounted to 75 cents each. Shorts size 2X and 3X were 85 cents each. I am set for clothes for a long time. The main problem is that it is case lots and tend to be assorted sizes. A friend of mine has several teen children like the site too...because in one case they can get sizes for all their kids. http://www.rgriley.com/

a note when buying in bulk, check the price per unit (ounce, pound, etc) as sometimes it is LESS to buy more than one of the smaller size.
I LOVE that quote!!!
And yes! Definitely check those bulk prices everyone. I use to assume that buying in bulk was cheaper, but I also found that it's not always the case. I do like how Kroger (others stores probably do it too) tags break the price down into 'per ounce', etc., so it makes it really simple to compare prices when sizes are different.
YES! Knowing what the unit cost is (and how to calculate it if it isn't on that little tag) can save you a fortune. At our local Hellmart, it is often the middle sized package with the best price per ounce/lb/whatever. Not the largest like you would think.
I am not sure if we are living super frugal, or if we are just super poor! I stopped working when my son was born with a heart condition, and had to have several procedures done, including one open heart surgery. A few days after his surgery, I got divorced. My ex-husband has never been made to pay child support, despite the fact that I've had to get food stamps, and medicaid. (And believe me, I've tried to get a court order.) It took me two years to be able to afford my own car, which I made the mistake of purchasing from my ex-in-laws. I didn't get the title put into my name, and one year later they took it back from me. With no car, in a tiny town with no busses, with no one to watch my kids, with no education, or skills, I am living with 3 children, on a very fixed income. It has caused me to struggle with bouts of serious depression. I long to get some education, or training, so that I can get a job that might pay enough to actually cover the cost of the child care I will need. The key for me has been finding some small things I can buy that are things we just want, and learning to be really happy with those small things. Our button quail, and parakeet are a great source of joy for us. If we get fast food once every few months, it is a very special treat. We don't have any kind of cable, or even a converter box for TV, so we just don't get to watch TV. We tend to play monopoly a lot. We eat ramen noodles, PB&Js, and all manner of other cheap foods. I had never realized that paper towels counted as a luxury! We do what we have to do, and when things get really tough, we remember that we have each other, and that it's a miracle little Caesar, (my son with the heart condition) came back to us twice, and is thriving after spending so much time in the hospital, and going through so much! It's always hard living with no money, but at least we have love!

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