Just curious who else is living super frugal

My version... cut up apples. crock them on low all day with a sprinkle of cinnamon if desired. Run through a food mill. Done. I do not peel or core. I then freeze in 1 cup containers because we don't go through it fast.
Quote: Painting it might work. THe curves of the thing will not make the contact paper look professional-- but I like how you think!!

Quote: lol-- it is plastic and will last longer than I will. lol Just looks unsightly.

Might need to ask the paint guy-- the professional one and see what he says. Otherwise , back to sewing another cover.
You can use yeast in a septic system, not much and not often. It really shouldn't be needed though, the good bacteria should be there and doing its job. Maybe just after having the septic pumped to jumpstart the process again. Good marketing plan to convince people to buy something that is not needed. Maybe if you use a lot of harsh cleaning products, todays cleaning products are hard on small septic systems.

My hubbies step-father owned a septic pumping company. One of his customers was really concerned about him pumping her tank because she had run out of the treatment stuff. He told her that she could use a teaspoon of yeast once a month if she really felt she needed to treat her septic system, but that it was not needed. She called him in a panic two weeks later, her toilet was bubbling up and she was getting foam in her kitchen sink. it turns out she decided since one teaspoon-once a month was good, then one teaspoon every day would be SO MUCH better.
You can use yeast in a septic system, not much and not often. It really shouldn't be needed though, the good bacteria should be there and doing its job. Maybe just after having the septic pumped to jumpstart the process again. Good marketing plan to convince people to buy something that is not needed. Maybe if you use a lot of harsh cleaning products, todays cleaning products are hard on small septic systems.

My hubbies step-father owned a septic pumping company. One of his customers was really concerned about him pumping her tank because she had run out of the treatment stuff. He told her that she could use a teaspoon of yeast once a month if she really felt she needed to treat her septic system, but that it was not needed. She called him in a panic two weeks later, her toilet was bubbling up and she was getting foam in her kitchen sink. it turns out she decided since one teaspoon-once a month was good, then one teaspoon every day would be SO MUCH better.

Oh my gawd.... Surprised she didnt blow the place up.... Or make a strange kind of Moon shine... Oh I so didnt go there....

Everything needed for the septic system is located in everyones Gut.... ahem... simple enough.

You can use yeast in a septic system, not much and not often. It really shouldn't be needed though, the good bacteria should be there and doing its job. Maybe just after having the septic pumped to jumpstart the process again. Good marketing plan to convince people to buy something that is not needed. Maybe if you use a lot of harsh cleaning products, todays cleaning products are hard on small septic systems.

My hubbies step-father owned a septic pumping company. One of his customers was really concerned about him pumping her tank because she had run out of the treatment stuff. He told her that she could use a teaspoon of yeast once a month if she really felt she needed to treat her septic system, but that it was not needed. She called him in a panic two weeks later, her toilet was bubbling up and she was getting foam in her kitchen sink. it turns out she decided since one teaspoon-once a month was good, then one teaspoon every day would be SO MUCH better.

And this is why we can't have nice things!
I was going just once a month. But now I scour the sales adds every week. When I see stuff on sale that we use then I buy that in bulk and stock up. Especially items like laundry detergent and toilet tissue. We also started canning which helped tremendously. I make bread at home instead of buying. It does tend to go stale quicker but then I just feed what we dont eat to my chickens!
I was going just once a month. But now I scour the sales adds every week. When I see stuff on sale that we use then I buy that in bulk and stock up. Especially items like laundry detergent and toilet tissue. We also started canning which helped tremendously. I make bread at home instead of buying. It does tend to go stale quicker but then I just feed what we dont eat to my chickens!

Im making my own dish and laundry detergent so we will see if that saves me money. Im also going to start making my own spray cleaner and floor cleaner if its possible to refill a swiffer bottle!
Right now I am like you. I scour the sales ads and I coupon as well. With coupons I saved over $14 last week and my subscription for a month of sunday newpapers cost $7. This week I only kept one coupon, but its for 25% off a gal of farrell calhoun paint which is also worth a bit. Probably around $7
You guys should sign up for online coupons that are emailed to you. You have to print them off somewhere if you need them, but they don't cost anything so you aren't spending a bucketload of money for the papers. I guess if you like the papers, too, then it's a double use of them ... but I even read my news online now. Most newspapers have free online subs or if they aren't free, they are only a couple of dollars. I always make sure I have the newsfeed for Reuters and Associated Press. That's where most papers get their stories anyway. The BBC is another great source for international news. If you have smartphones or a tablet, download the Flipboard App and you can find all the news you ever wanted to know and then some!!

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