Just curious who else is living super frugal

I was layed off on Friday, and I'm looking at it as a new adventure. Talked to the kids. How to buy nothing from the grocery for 4 weeks. . . look at what we have in the freezers, gardens and in the pens. . . . lots of frozen eggs as well as fresh. We will try to sell more of the fresh eggs to maximize cash. And sell a few ducklings as they are coming out our ears!! lol

Will plant a few greens like lettuce and peas. Ya, learned pea leaves taste good, like peas. lol Kids pulled the first planting and feed that to sheep. I can see even my kids would never make it on the ol' frontier. lol Too much work. . . .
I was layed off on Friday, and I'm looking at it as a new adventure. Talked to the kids. How to buy nothing from the grocery for 4 weeks. . . look at what we have in the freezers, gardens and in the pens. . . . lots of frozen eggs as well as fresh. We will try to sell more of the fresh eggs to maximize cash. And sell a few ducklings as they are coming out our ears!! lol

Will plant a few greens like lettuce and peas. Ya, learned pea leaves taste good, like peas. lol Kids pulled the first planting and feed that to sheep. I can see even my kids would never make it on the ol' frontier. lol Too much work. . . .

Sorry about the lay off
. But I agree this is a good experiment in frugality!
Arielle, I'm so sorry for your lay-off. It's super hard when it hits you out of the blue. Are you going to jump right into the job market or work on the frugality angle for a while? (not that you're not already frugal!)
I was layed off on Friday, and I'm looking at it as a new adventure. Talked to the kids. How to buy nothing from the grocery for 4 weeks. . . look at what we have in the freezers, gardens and in the pens. . . . lots of frozen eggs as well as fresh. We will try to sell more of the fresh eggs to maximize cash. And sell a few ducklings as they are coming out our ears!! lol

Will plant a few greens like lettuce and peas. Ya, learned pea leaves taste good, like peas. lol Kids pulled the first planting and feed that to sheep. I can see even my kids would never make it on the ol' frontier. lol Too much work. . . .
This is always a stressful experience, but to view this as another adventure just shows how special you are. I found that whenever one door closes, another one opens; so be on the alert for open doors, Arielle!
Thank you ALL for your support.

I am grateful for all the chicken , duck and turkey that is in my freezer, and canned. Without BYC I would not have a larder full. I am grateful for not giving up on gardening when last year failed, but jumped in again this year and despite some crop failures, there is somthing to eat. The wild carrot is also available: meager roots for us and tops for the rabbit.

I am grateful for a new friend that works at a food bank and has been able to get a vast array of mismatched foods. I am grateful the knowhow for cooking. ANd a good supply of herbs and spices in the cabinet.

Put the peaches in the freezer already.

THe Lucky CHarms are going to the birds. That stuff is worse than eating nothing. One doctor rates such foods as less than zero as it steal vitality from the body by using up anti-oxidents to attack it. I beleive him. So off to the chiickens, or ducklings.

Cant buy any cat food now, but then having read an intersting book about feeding whole foods to cats and dogs, I'll be sharing the chicken with the cats and dog, and make the recipe from the book that is packed with vegies. A simple recipe but all real foods. Healthy pets decreases medical costs . . and THAT saves money.

Off to tend the garden.

Oh, picked up a striped light weight knit pant and cut into colorful kitchen wash clothes!!!
Thank you LG for that sentiment; but honestly, it opens my eyes to how difficult it is for families to get assistance. Too many hoops and too much humiliation. . . .

I talked with a friend and I am determined to get more folks into gardening. I live in a town were there are still front yards but about 30% of families with school age children fall in to the free or reduced lunch category. I'll tell you, I would NEVER EVER let my kids eat what is served at grammer school here. Garbage it is. Garbage. Lots of breads and starchy foods, etc. No real kitchen either. Little nutrition. I have always said, take the same amt of money for groceries to buy the typical AMerican diet foods or only buy high quality pure foods like unbreaded meats, fresh or frozen veg and fruits, that while they cost more, my kids eat LESS so the cost is the same.
Kids want to try the Lucky CHarm cereal. I have ok'd one small paper cup worth of &#*$*#*&@&@& and see what their reaction is. Otherwise the ducks will be eaingt it. lol

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