Just curious who else is living super frugal

I agree. It is socially hard to maneuver some situations. For instance, when asked to go to lunch I might reply that I can't afford it. It is the truth and I say it in a good natured way, but it seems to make people feel that they should offer to pay my way. I don't want them to pay my way. And they don't seem to want to do an alternative such as - we pack a lunch or we cook together. Sigh.
I now NEVER say I cannot afford to go out. But then it leaves people thinking I just don't want to go with them. sigh again.
I just tell them that I am trying to stay within a budget and it doesn't include eating out right now. Or...I'm trying to eat healthier and there is nothing in any restaurant healthier than I can prepare at home.
Two chest freezers full of pork, chicken, and beef. Woohoo! My extended family splits two steers and three pigs every year. The chickens are my own home grown. I love it when the freezers are full! Won't have to think about meat for another year.
Another tip - don't be afraid to ASK for the discount/markdown. I try to buy the organic milk, but I won't pay $5.99. When it gets to the date before the "sell by" the store marks it down, to what the normal milk costs. The other day, there was no marked down organic, and I was in a quandry, not wanting to get regular but not wanting to pay six bucks. I took a glance and saw that one of the organic milks was dated for that day! I grabbed it and took it to the customer service desk and they marked it down. Even better, since it was day OF, she made it a DOLLAR!
So, dont be shy!
There was a question many pages back about what kinds of things that can be frozen. Which is a great thread right there!

Some things I freeze are:

Spices, almost all of them can be frozen. Penzeys spices is a SUPER place. spendy, but excellent quality! I buy 1 or 2x a yr and freeze it.




meats in a vaccum sealer is the best way I've found. The bags can be bought sometimes at thrift stores. (The spices are best this way as well)




fruit juices

condiments, usually I remove them from the original packaging and vaccu seal them. I can buy squeeze bottles at the dollar store, once labeled correctly they're fine.

pretty much anything can be frozen.

I have two chest freezers, 1 for meats and the other for bread and dairy. Of course I also have the other half of the fridge for day to day

Hope this helps!

It amazes me just how rich I really am, when I'm not constantly in what I think of as"I want" mode. Once I stepped outside of that mindset I realized I wasn't much different than a kid at Christmas season. The difference was I could really indulge myself with the help of all those banks. Yikes!
don't forget you can freeze all that garden produce if you're not into canning it. or for things like summer squash that just get too mushy to can..
also peaches and tomatos can go in the freezer in zipper bags "as is" poaching is optional. when they thaw the skins just come right off.
I am making chow chow and garden pickles with some of my hard to save produce. I have so many peppers in the freezer already and have hundreds left to use. Having to get a bit inventive with the zuccinni. Not sure how they taste as pickles but we will soon know.

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