Just curious who else is living super frugal

You guys, thank you so much for all these tips!

Thanks for being so welcoming! Love all the advice and support.......I'm just going to have to take the time and write out a grocery list, check the pantry for what I already have and use that too.....

I did get my husband to agree to a meatless meal once a week. He's a real meat and potatoes guy, so that's amazing for him. I am going to have to study this thread and print it out!

You have all helped me get some great ideas......I can't thank EVERYONE enough......

I like the idea of using rags instead of napkins and paper towels......

I like the idea of putting some fresh veggies in the spaghetti......

I will sto buying cans of pop at work each day, and also no McDonalds for breakfast or eating out......That will definitely save a chunk of money right off the bat.

But how do you all find recipes for cleaning products? And do they work just as well as Tide? I don't have many clothes, so I don't want them fading.....Or stains......

My head is spinning with all these ideas! I think I will print this thread and highlight all the wonderful ideas you've all given me......
You might shop for tips at Sufficientself.com, link at the bottom of your page. We have all the detergent recipes, tips for frugal living, alternatives to just about anything expensive and great ways to make food, clothing and just about anything else stretch a mile. You will find threads on dumpster diving, hunting, cooking, preserving foods, making clothing, making money on the side, etc.
chicmom~ I'm not sure what it is you like to order on the McD's menu for breakfast, but you could probably reproduce it at home once a week, stick it in the freezer and nuke it in the mornings on your way out the door. Pancakes are a great grab-and-go, or biscuits, muffins, sausage... not sure how well eggs freeze, but you get the idea. This way you're not hungry and don't feel like your missing out on anything.
(Don't forget to set the coffee pot the night before!)

You said you like the idea of reusable napkins/paper towels~ I couldn't agree more! We were going through two rolls of paper towels a week, easily. I stopped buying them and replaced them with some cheapy rags from the automotive dept. that I cut in half. I love nickel & diming my grocery bill down! Since doing these little changes I've been able to start saving up extra food stores, something I hadn't been able to work into the budget at all before.

Good luck!
I have become addicted to the Frappe. It's a frozen drink. I think if I just cut the McDs out of my diet it would be great. (I need to lose weight anyhow.) I will have to buy some of those automotive rags! Great idea!

Maybe if I look at this like an exciting challenge, rather than a chore......I have to admit I'm a little bit nervous to get started. I CAN DO IT!!!!! I need to so badly. Our finances are not great. We are not behind on anything. I've got a good credit score, but we owe too much on credit cards and we just make it each month. Terrible, just terrible! And we are to blame. Nobody else. We just don't know how to get caught up. WELL, IT'S TIME TO LEARN!

This frugal education is my new hobby!
It can be exciting...it's all in how you think of it.
Getting a great deal at a yard sale actually makes me glow for days! Finding something that someone has thrown away that can be used at my house also gives me a quiet, gloating pleasure.....I think, "Look what they threw away!!! Do they know how much these things cost? Do they know you can use them in this manner if they stop performing their original function? Silly people!!!"

After awhile it becomes a game to see just how cheaply you can live. I compare my electric bill with other people's so I can keep score....last month's was $18.97!!!! I smile every time I make laundry soap and every time I see how expensive it is in the store. I've been using it exclusively for 6 years now and can't count up all the money saved from washing clothing for 3 teenage boys and myself.

I love that I own my truck instead of having to make payments....that way, if for some reason I am running low on money for the month, I don't have to make late payments. I don't have to make ANY payments. Yay!!!

I love it when people declare with all certainty that one just simply cannot raise a family on one income these days....and I know that I CAN.

Poverty is an art form and one can be quite successful at it...it's all in how you think of it. Being content with living small is all the difference!

"A harvest of peace is produced from a seed of contentment." ~American Proverb
I absolutely agree!!! We're a family of 7 living on just my dh's income. It's certainly not easy, but like you said, being content with living small / being thankful for what you have is critical.
I am actually excited.....I hope I can continue to feel this way.....My husband and I both work, and we're not college educated. We have good jobs, but I shudder to think, what would I do if I didn't have my job. In a week, I would be broke......

This feeling hanging over my head makes me so....Um....I have no words. I do feel like a huge weight is on my shoulders, just compressing me. Every time I use my charge card, or every time I grocery shop and I'm out of money for the rest of the week. I feel like a huge failure.

Maybe I should start keeping a "Frugal Journal", where I can write down what I spend each day, and challenge myself NOT to spend each day. Could I really NOT SPEND money for days? I think I can do that........Challenge myself.......

I am going to check out that self sufficient website........

Thanks for all the inspiration!

Here's a link for homemade cleaners: http://chickensintheroad.com/house/crafts/simple-green-homemade-cleaners/. I've used the glass cleaner recipe many times. I use vinegar and water for mopping. Vinegar is my dishwasher rinse aid. I use bleach/water for some cleaning, too. I am waiting to use up my Pledge, so that I can make some homemade dust cleaner.

Just made up this laundry detergent last night: www.diynatural.com/simple-easy-fast-effective-jabs-homemade-laundry-detergent/. I made the recipe that used 1 cup Borax, 1 cup washing soda, and one bar laundry soap (I used Fels-Naptha). I followed the directions and once it was mixed all together, I pulsed it in the food processor because I was afraid that the soap shavings were a little too large. He did not do that step in his recipe. So far so good in using it!

I have made homemade dishwasher detergent, too, but after a week or so of using it, my dishes were cloudy. I started out using a tablespoon per load, and quickly downgraded to using 1.5-2tsp because it was cloudy. It was a recipe that did use citric acid, which was supposed to help out with cloudiness. I have city water, so no hard water here. I went out and bought some Cascade and my dishes are better again. It does work for some people, though -- just not me, I guess. : )

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