Just curious who else is living super frugal

I don't think my spending has changed very much. I have always love going to thrift stores, I get all of my small kitchen appliances there and most clothes when they actually have something in my size and still looks new. I also get a lot of my daughters clothes from thrift stores. Most of everything we have was give to us, my boyfriend used to work for a furniture company and if someone bought something and wanted them to take it way and it was still in really good shape he brought it home. We furnished our entire home or less than 1000 dollars. Our living room suite was only 6 months old when someone decided to repaint and didn't want to just toss it out. We grow what we can to eat. The only thing we really have to buy is meat and a few canned foods.
For those of you that uses coupons, good for you!

I just can not get the "bulk" items for coupons. I don't go dumpster diving or hoarding or stealing one's coupons or the news stand to get the quantity. Many of the coupons we use are expired within 30 days. I want to "hoard" on toliet paper (brand name only) and paper towels (brand only) and detergents (certain ones that are washer friendly, less water, less suds type of washer and Tide is the one we use for our clothes). Tootbrushes, dental flosses.

Canned goods aren't bad but they can be shelf life limited. So are tooth pastes.

So how do I get the max bang for my one or two coupons? Buy one roll to get the max out of a coupon? I only use Pantene shampoo (any other brands, one or all of us would get rash, itches, oiley, too dry, etc.) and I think I can only buy one small container of shampoo for one coupon. I dont think the buy two for a price and half would do.
I wonder if those that use coupons can get a "coupon swap" going?

ETA: Maybe you can sign up at the company's website so they can email or mail coupons to you. What specific brands do you use? If I come across some, I can mail them to you.
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Are coupons "area restricted"?

If I was to use my name brand coupon in another major town (or in your case, coupon from another state), would the store say you can not use "out of area" coupons? Or it could not "read" the bars on the coupon to make it valid?

I use Bounty, Tide, Charmain toliet papers. I would try to get toothbrushes for less than a dollar but there are three of us in the family.

I will check into companies that might help us with the coupons. It would be great to get $30 from a $300 grocery bill.
If it's a manufacturers coupon, you should be able to use it anywhere.
I sometimes cringe when I throw out the ones I don't use, but I know would be good for someone else. Or if I just bought it, and don't need another one by the time it expires.
Maybe get a group together, who needs/ uses what?
As long as the brand is available (not just same manufacture but must be same brand) you can use a coupon anywhere. I belong to 5 different coupon groups who swap coupons, all of my family members give me their coupon inserts and I have many different email accounts so I can get as many email coupons as possible. I found out that paper goods cycle every 6 weeks. My TP goes on sale every 2 weeks but if I hold out till week 5/6 it is almost a dollar cheaper on sale with a store coupon and manufacture coupon.
Reward Yourself

I had tried for so long to quit smoking, I thought I would never be able to do it. Then, I thought, if I quit, I shall save so much, so every time I didn't smoke, I put the money in a jar. After 6 months, I had over $300! (I finally stopped doing it, but have been smoke free for over 5 years)

You could do it with anything really. Give up paper towels, and everytime you use cloth, put a penny or a nickel in a jar. Pretty soon you will have quite a stash. Each time you do something homemade, instead of bought, put the difference in a jar. Challenge your family to do the same. See who can get the most in six months. It can be fun, and you could end up with quite a bit for paying off credit cards, or whatever.

You can do it!

Oh, this is the nicest thread and I think you all so much for the support! I really like this idea.....Instead of the frugal notebook, I could have the frugal jar. Maybe my husband would be impressed if he saw how much I saved.........

Also big FYI on expired coupons, there is an organization that you mail your expired coupons and military families can use them at the PX for an extra 6mo

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