Just curious who else is living super frugal

Awesome deals Heather. I wish we could at least supplement w/ wood burning, but w/ two bad asthmatics in the house it's just not going to happen.
I have a confession, I am really struggling with being frugal as of late. Holidays are always hard but its normal everyday stuff that tries to pull me off the wagon right now. I want to be convinced that a new tv is really a necessity. Yes our 15 year old one works fine but only the vcr can be connected to it so obviously we need a new one right. Well not really. I know that. sorta or a kindle so we can save on all those books we cannot find at the library or the books for my husband to study for her certs. Its tempting. A bit too tempting.

New shoes, clothes, and fluffing up our living space. I am in nesting mode and trying to deny it. Its just a little hill I have to overcome. To help myself with that I am going to freely admit to you all and the family I am struggling. I am going to make some lists too. Maybe a couple new goals will help me stay on track or looking at a list of what all has improved because of the changes we have made. I think listening to friends talk about massive shopping trips and all the nice shiny new stuff got me in a bit of envy ( yes I know its wrong). I can afford some shiny too but if I go that route our plans go down the drain. sigh Doing what I know is right is not always a fun challenge. Sometimes its a painful stressful challenge.

I feel for you in the same way, but with a different hill. Me and DH are selling our home to find ourself a hobby farm in March. I have found one that I lovelovelove. We want to lower our mortgage, so the loan would have to be less than 155k. Well, this place is marketed at 249k. I know we will be able to put down about 40k, and I really think we can talk them down. I think we could get this place close to our original mortgage, but it wouldn't lower our mortgage by any means! But its a beautiful big house, that wouldn't need a lot of remodeling, just some updating. 5 acres, pristine barn....Sigh.

We are also looking at another place that is 169k. So, we would probably bring our loan down to 100k. But, its a duplex. We would need to fully remodel it to make it work as a single family. It's on 10 acres. The barn is in okay condition, not as good as the first but still very stable.

Hubby wants the cheaper one, I want the one that is ready to move in. Because realistically rennovations is going to bring it right back up to that amount anyways!! What to do...We are just holding out right now. I would like more than 5 acres, but this place is just SO perfect.

It's tough to want and not recieve, but we have to fight that inner battle and see what we are able to accomplish.
I hope it can get better for you.
When it comes to home, I believe that you should get what you want if you can afford it. Make a plan to pay down the mortgage quickly. It might be worth selling more eggs or doing something else to make extra money for a year or two. Your home isn't likely to depreciate. So I would go with the one you love. Make a low, low offer and see what you can get it for. Spend the money to get exactly what you want, and then be super frugal on other things to pay for it. At least that's my opinion :) Good luck!

Thanks for the insight! I too, have your same opinion. Plus, we have young kids (DS3 and DS7months) so, I can't really see moving into a home that is not safe for the kids.

Luckily, DH knows that I bring valid points to the table. I just hope we are able to move heaven and earth for it to happen!!

What frugal things has people been up to? Me, not so much. Gonna make thanksgiving tomorrow so we can eat all next week and I don't have to scramble to make meals!
HeatherLynn wrote:
Maybe a couple new goals will help me stay on track or looking at a list of what all has improved because of the changes we have made.

I think it's really good to reflect on the positive changes we have made. It's empowering.

and woohoo, free corn! That would make my day.

I struggle daily with expensive breakfasts, lunches.....It really adds up. I'm probably taking lunch now 1-2x per week, but I want to save more. I'll keep trying.

It's time to do my seed inventory, that will help me resist the seed catalog temptations this winter. I've been to a couple local SEED SWAPS this year, and I've gotten into saving seeds.....​
We tried stringing popcorn last year but I found it frustrating to string - the boys gave up quickly. So this year I am going a slightly different route. Going to try and use up the slightly dry mini-marshmallows I have in the cupboard. I bought a bag of cranberries to intersperse with them. Tried it on my own before showing to the kids and they went on the string easy-peasy so that is my low budget craft for this weekend.
My Christmas tree is

. . . a very nice big branch, with lots of side branches from a willow tree, all gnarly and twisted. A friend is a landscaper and he got it from one of his jobs. I have trimmed it, and I'm now painting it with bronze acrylic paint, and it looks really cool, like forged metal! I'm still going to put lights and ornaments (from years past) on it, but I thought this would be a greener (and cheaper) way to go. Also, I'm thinking of hanging it rather than standing it up. And, since we have a lot if pine and cedar trees around, I think I may paint some cones to put on. Or at least, the edges, and sort of "frost" them a bit.

If it works out, I'll post pics

Rathbone - I just got my wine racked for the first time last weekend - have you started yours or are you waiting til after the holidays? I wouldn't blame you, with kids around, holidays can be tremendous hard work.
Well I am pretty excited! I have actually found a legit work from home job!

The company is called Arise and I heard about them from a friend of a freind, they are not hiring in all areas/states but its worth at least putting in an application for your area. What they do is hire subcontractors to work for companies like Disney dining, Carnival cruise line, AT&T, Time magazine. I will be working for AT&T as that was the only opertunity available for me to start as soon as I can. I will be taking calls and helping with billing inquiries and then after a bit taking tech type calls as well. You do have to have DSL (no cable or sat) and windows 7 or XP (no vista) a phone landline and a set of headphones ...so there is some initial outlay. plus an intial class ($99..mine was free as they were having a special)then a specific class with whatever company you would be working for (mine was $39) different companies charge different amouts) I start my class on Monday and in 2 weeks will be actually earning...AT&T is $10-12 hr. Min of 20 hours per week, max of 60hrs.

You do have to have a pretty quiet area to work in as they don't want customers hearing barking dogs or screaming kids, and I know the initial outlay seems a lot but I am looking at it like having to buy a uniform and new shoes or tools of a trade (hairdressing or carpenter etc) so it will be worth it in the end.
I need to work from home as I have a pretty bad back and this way I can do short shifts (2 1/2 hours) split up however I want...get up and walk around if I need to even sit on the couch and work as many hours per week as I want.

I have been looking for ages for something like this and at every turn it was a scam of some sort or other! arrrgh! So happy to find something that is REAL and supplimenting my SSD is going to be awesome. So now just have to wait to hear from the bank on a farm we have our eyes on (short sale taking forever to get approved) I have the finance pre approved. and we can get DD's horse moved out of the boarding stable and save more $ that way and plant a veg garden and have a few chickens and a couple of cows and goats and sheep (maybe) LOL Yay!! self sufficiency!
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