Just curious who else is living super frugal

We've saved thousands of dollars over the years by never once having cable or satellite television. Broadcast TV numbs our minds just as good as the expensive stuff and it's FREE!!!
My hubby got creative. He hung a clothesline from the carport post to the branch of the maple tree. I love the smell of fresh air into those bedsheets!

As for undies and unmentionables, I would hang them in the hallway clothesline. No need for the neighbors to eyeball those LOL!
I had never shopped used. That went first. It started with used furniture or appliances, and then to cars, and now clothes and anything else under the sun. I am desperately trying to get us debt free and I am making all the hard choices right now.

I have taken to shopping at goodwill and consignments stores almost exclusively. No one is getting even sale priced retail this year. I am looking at doing the whole only grocery shopping once a month thing. Not sure I can survive that. I need to cut back how much I drive drastically. These gas prices are killing me. I find my entire way of thinking about money and possessions has changed. I think for the better.

Curious what others are doing. Also curious if anyone else has pulled off the whole grocery shopping once a month.
shop whats that?
I grow cotton ,spin it into yarn, weave the yarn into fabric , make my own clothes from the fabric ...so i never buy any and if you met me the street you would never know ..add that to raising my own food, using solar and wind for my electricity Only thing i buy is gas for my truck and feed for my animals.
If you buy your food once a month how do you deal w/ live food (perishables) milk, produce? Bread and meat could be frozen so I didn't include them.
If you buy your food once a month how do you deal w/ live food (perishables) milk, produce? Bread and meat could be frozen so I didn't include them.

We used to shop once a month in order to save money (and it DOES). We stopped because we missed getting fresh things.

However, I can address some of your question. Milk can be frozen in gallon jugs if you pour out a little of it into another container, as it expands. Some of the milk jugs can be frozen as is, depending on the type of gallon jug it is.

We bought only enough fruits and vegetables to last a week (although things like carrots and apples will go longer) and used frozen and canned vegetables the rest of the time.

Boy does it save money though. We should go back to this...however we drink 6 gallons of milk a week and it was really hard to do...couldn't store enough.
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If you buy your food once a month how do you deal w/ live food (perishables) milk, produce? Bread and meat could be frozen so I didn't include them.

I can't speak for others, but we just try to make them last and do without when they run their course. A lot of produce will last for a good while in refrigeration. We also tend to buy the produce that WILL last longer...e.g.romaine lettuces last longer and contain more nutrition than does head lettuce.

We don't do milk but on occasion will use soy or almond milk on cereals and these can be frozen and they last much longer than does dairy milk. If milk is needed in some recipe, canned milk or powdered milk is always an option.

In the spring/summer months, we often have our own produce fresh and available.
shop whats that?
I grow cotton ,spin it into yarn, weave the yarn into fabric , make my own clothes from the fabric ...so i never buy any and if you met me the street you would never know ..add that to raising my own food, using solar and wind for my electricity Only thing i buy is gas for my truck and feed for my animals.
Hmm, and I imagine you also dig your own clay, make your own dishes, fire them in your home built kiln, and glaze them from homemade recipes. And then you carve wooden utensils, using your flint knife, and make cooking pots from iron ore you dug and smelted yourself. Naturally, you only cook on fires you make outside, in the firepit, or on a spit. You don't use any salt or seasoning (bland food).

And we simply are not going to talk about body soap, deodorant, laundry soap, cleaners or any of those things . . .


(I don't think yarn is the only thing you spin!)
Hmm, and I imagine you also dig your own clay, make your own dishes, fire them in your home built kiln, and glaze them from homemade recipes. And then you carve wooden utensils, using your flint knife, and make cooking pots from iron ore you dug and smelted yourself. Naturally, you only cook on fires you make outside, in the firepit, or on a spit. You don't use any salt or seasoning (bland food).

And we simply are not going to talk about body soap, deodorant, laundry soap, cleaners or any of those things . . .


(I don't think yarn is the only thing you spin!)

Why would you say that?? Why cant he grow his own cotton and spin it into yarn??
Unless you are just kidding this guy... thats kinda mean and rude to say to them...
Ever been on the SS board through this site?? LOTS of folks do just what this person does...
Quote: Because he said he only spends money on gas and food for his flock.

I do know someone who has cashmere goats, and they spin it and sell it (they work hard, about 15 hours a day). There's no reason it can't be done; but to say he ONLY spends money on gas and food for his animals is quite unrealistic. To make ALL of the things he needs to survive would take about 78 hours per day (minimum) to just do the very basics. And none of us have that much time.

I would simply like people to be realistic, and tell it like it REALLY is.

(and you obviously haven't done any weaving - I have, very time-consuming)
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Weaving? Actually i have.. if you mean somethng like a rigid heddle loom?
Its not too time consuming... just the setting up part... ugh! Hate that! (ETA: but of course, i cant do nuttin' fancy smancy with it yet...)
But anyways, every person lives differently... many make their own soap,.. toliet paper... etc...
Take a look over on the SS forum... bottom of this page is the link.. lots of decent people over there!
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