Just found cockroaches the size of hamsters in my coop. HELLLPPP!!!!!

**shudder** Roaches are one of my biggest fears also! They make me feel like I am going to have a panic attack. I used to have nightmares that they were crawling on me at night when I was a teenager. Horrible HORRIBLE creatures.

I have the creepy crawlies just reading this post. I hope you can get rid of the soon and that they don't carry your chickens or pitchforks away!
Now I need a shower.........or two... to get the heebie Geebies off me...


Especially since earwigs are like M&Ms to chickens! Om nom nom!


after reading this I will never complain about my billion earwigs again, cross my heart


Please tell me that you did not just say "roach worms"


I am going to be in therapy before the week is up at this rate.

Holy #@#%^% I'm dyyyyying.

But cucumbers? really??????

Holy crap. I am NEVER living in Florida.
We don't have roaches.........but after reading this, I am thinking of lining the coop/run with window screen too!
Hahahaha you can tell who wasn't raised in the South here. I remember as a kid, whenever you turned on the garage light after dark, the wall was alive with them.

Odd that they'd be that bad in the coop, though. Is it wet or damp? Mine is dry and I never see roaches in it. And I use Roach Pruf/Boric Acid that a previous poster mentioned to keep them out of the house and it works wonders. (Roaches aren't simply a sign of filth here like they are in the north - with no controls being used, they'll get in any house) Anyhow, I'd advise doing your best to keep things dry out there.

They are in every leaf pile and damp place you can imagine outside. The huge ones here in Texas are generally Tree Roaches and sometimes you'd swear they need headlights and license plates cause they're big as trucks. They like rotten wood the best. The ones that give me the willies are actually the small ones that sometimes hitch a ride home in a grocery bag (ICK! ICK!!). Those little things are truly NASTY and a sign of filth wherever the produce came from.
WOW I am completely horrified
of this topic yet compelled to keep reading UGH!!! Although I have never seen a Palmetto bug (and yes that is such a soothing name for a wretched creature) but the thought of it stuck in my hair BUZZING sends shivers down my spine....eeekkkk

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