Just In Time Hatching Egg AUCTION and BIN Thread

My LF silkys haven't started laying,been so cold lately
Ok I hope this doesn't offend any one at all, but we don't have true large fowl silkies over here in the US. When silkies were brought from over seas, the bantams and large fowl varieties were bred together so much that now only the bantam version is recognized (to my knowledge) here. We may have some LARGER silkies, but they are not recognized as large fowl. I breed silkies and am a member of a few silkie groups, we just had a discussion about this a couple weeks ago :)
Offer ends in the morning! Plenty of extras will be included.
#2 still available. These adorable bantams are laying like crazy right now. I have been tracking them and each hen has laid on average 6 eggs per 7 days for the last 30 days!

I have never done this but I am getting too many eggs. Pen 1 Has a white houdan roo , a white silkie roo, buff brahma hens, a white polish, and a black silkie hen.
Pen 2 has Blue and Splash Isbars boys, wheaten and blue copper Marans boys, crested cream legbar girls, cuckoo Marans girls, and buff brahma girls.
Shipping for flat rate large box is $15. and change.
We can start at $16 with shipping included
15 eggs total for these assorted eggs.
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I'd sell both Brinseas, add the money for the 3rd one, and buy a Sportsman or Dickey cabinet incubator. Bet you'd be money ahead. In all 3 Brinseas, you'd get about 80 eggs, 200 less than the Sportsman can hold.

You know though, even filling a Sportsman is sometimes not enough. Last weekend I fired up a Hovabator because I wanted to set more than I had room for (288 eggs should be enough for anyone, right). In my defense, I expected a lot of clears due to the cold weather killing embryos. I'll find out this weekend if I was right, or if I'm gonna have 42 more chicks than I expected.

It's hard to eat those eggs that I know could hatch into valuable chicks. I want to sell them here, but it's just too cold to ship. I don't even want to get out of the car to walk into the PO.

Spring is just around the corner!
Spring is just around the corner!
Spring is just around the corner!
Spring is just around the corner!
Whaaaaaa?!?!?!?!?!?! Say it aint so, say it aint so!!!! An Epiphany I told you! Pure Genius!!!!


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