Just lost my first Hen


7 Years
Aug 6, 2012
Yesterday morning I went out to the coop and there were feathers under the coop. the coop is completely enclosed, but I created a vented section of floor under the run so that excrement wiould fall through the floor. It is under the run, outside the coop where the feathers were. All of the feathers where from one bird. This morning, I went out to the coop and the same bird was in one of the nesting boxes with its head intact, but its intestines ripped out. I am thinking possum but any experience/opinions or knowledge on this incident would be really appreciated. Thanks!

You didn't say how you "vented" the coop floor. If your coop is high enough off the ground, a coon will find a soft spot and can reach through. Please provide as much detail as possible or even pictures and we will be happy to help.
Thanks for responding. The total floor is about three by three or so and a 12 " x 36 " long section is fencing. Something might be able to reach through, but nothing could get through there. I just found a two inch gap on the other side of the nesting boxes, but it is hard to imagine something squeezing through there.

Sorry to hear about your loss. What have you used to cover the venting bit?

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