Just picked up my new chicks and guess my mystery chicken?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 11, 2012
Southern Oregon
Post office called me nice and early to come get the noise makers out of their building. All 30 look good. 25 RIR pullets, 3 cockerel's, a spare chicken in case of a lose, and the mystery chicken!

I was thinking the mystery chicken would be a polish (as it seems they used to always throw a polish in) but has no top hat, but this guy/gal seems kinda big. Including pictures in case anyone knows what he/she is.

Leg pictures added.

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were is the best place to order chicks from in england that deliver
The more I look I think it might be an EE/aracuna for the mystery guy. I think those cheeks are a little fluffy. Just seems larger then normal, obviously a lot larger then the Production Reds.... But the coloring looks correct and like I said the cheeks have a little extra fuz on them.

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