Just realized my incubator was 3 degrees to cool for 8 hours


7 Years
Jun 17, 2012
Southern Maryland
I have a Reptipro 5000 and I guess last night before going to bed I somehow hit the button to lower temp when turning eggs. So they were 3 to 4 degrees below optimal for 8 hours. I know cooler is better than hotter. Did I damage my chicks?
Things will probably be okay. I recently posted about an 18+ hour power outage and my results were pretty good- 10/12 that made it to the hatcher ended up hatching. The hatch was pretty much on time, too.
I have a Reptipro 5000 and I guess last night before going to bed I somehow hit the button to lower temp when turning eggs. So they were 3 to 4 degrees below optimal for 8 hours. I know cooler is better than hotter. Did I damage my chicks?
I agree with oldchurchegger,our power was off for 9 hours, and the bator temp. drop to 76 for about 5 of those hours, that was on day 10 of my eggs being incubating, power come on, got temp. back to 100dgs, an candle my 6 eggs and they were fine, they were moving in the shell.
and you need to read her tread, on the power outage, its worth it,

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