Just set 34 eggs in the bator... March 3rd hatch... who's with me? lol

i have a question.... ik im need to stop turning day 18 which is the 28th does that mean i cant open it? im assumin so but what about humidity??? I have a little giant incubator and what if it evapoates in that amount of time????? Help!!!
Hello. I have 6 due on the 2nd and 4 silkies due on the 6th. This will be my first time using a Brinsea incubator. Good luck everyone!

Once in lockdown I don't open to add water I use the vent holes.
I have 12 eggs from my own large breed barn yard mixes, a couple of guinea eggs, and 12 from our local health food store! I wasn't expecting anything to happen to those but they're going strong! Good luck with your hatch as well!
I just found this thread and I'm in.

I set 14 mixed breed from one of my Partridge Rock roo's on the 10th then added 20 more pure breed PR's on the 13th. At that time I transferred the 14 with the 20 to a home-built bator (which I will be posting of photo's soon)

HOWEVER 6 of the 14 dropped in the bator and were ruined

Candled on day 7 and all eight were looking good but three of the 20 were questionable.
I'll be candling the first batch again tonight.

Good luck to all!
I candled last night and have only 9 of the 18 buff orps that are progressing and 20 out of the 22 silkies are good to go. I assume a couple of the youngest hens are not getting fertilized or the eggs froze before we collected them.
LOOKin for 3-09/3-10 due date on 6 eeand 6 barred rocks trying home ade bator fro 1st time checked today about 50% had some form of veins humidty dropped some so added a little water and said while i'm here might as well
2012, I only have a home made styrofoam 'bator, so I'm not certain about your LG.

I have a couple of strategies. I can use the turkey baster to add water to the pie pan under the hardware cloth. Usually that's all I have in there the first 18 days. At lockdown I put a car washing sponge (good and wet) in a taller plastic container, it acts as a wick and brings the humidity up quickly. Also, if I need to get into the 'bator for any reason during lockdown I take a paper towel, dunk it in with the sponge and hang it over the wire near (but not dripping on) the computer fan. I use the water from inside as it's already warm. Last year I kept a bottle of water in the opposite side -- both as a heat sink in case the power went out and to fill the sponge container (rather than adding cold water.)

I don't know if you can adapt any of these ideas to your LG, but the main thing is to increase surface area for evaporation without lowering the temperature.

Welcome to the thread and good luck on your hatches!!

Piccolini, good luck with your health food store eggs. I had some from our Co-op develop, but they didn't hatch (our first year). Here's hoping you get to join the "Trader Joe" club!

Retired, I think a couple of mine had frozen, too. When I candled there were 'veils' swirling around...
I knew that wasn't right. First one had a ruptured yolk, so I didn't open the second; just pitched it.

So hard to wait, but as the song says "Takes a lot of sittin' gettin' chicks to hatch!"
I candled the 20th and several were still clear one batch was 7 days in and the other was 10 days, still did not want to toss yet. So today i candled again and tossed 11 of the eggs i bought all clear. The eggs from my hens so far look good, and maybe 4 of the eggs i bought. lockdown will be the 28Th on all but 6 eggs and they will be in lockdown on the 3rd. Will toss the ones that are still not good at lockdown. Really hope 4 bought eggs are good make it.

Wish a good hatch for everyone.

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