Just set 34 eggs in the bator... March 3rd hatch... who's with me? lol

im getting a little (actually a lot) nervous~! im freaking out! i candled a couple of my eggs again today and i still see veins but i cant really see anything moving.. is this OK????
I believe it is ok! At least you see something.
at midnight i will be on day 16 i just candled the 23 left of 24 and they all are devloping and moving 3 were hard to see i could see veins and they are moving so i believe tey are alive would be wonderful if they all hatch march 3rd can not get here fast enough
@2012: The closer they get to hatching the less you'll see! They take up so much room in the egg.

Candled again (not all of them, just the ones from Sat/Monday and the three questionable ones.) Those 3 were bad. The one that had all the veins pointing straight down developed a blood ring. So I guess you can add that to your list of things to watch for: veins should be branching!

Tossed one other and have 6 of the 'youngest' eggs on toss-watch. Four that we added Saturday and 3 from Monday have little embryos. (So the answer to "how long are hens fertile after the roo is removed" is "at least 9 days.") If I get a hatcher set up I'll add some of the current eggs, but I'll be surprised if any of them are fertile.
I must have miscounted the other day
(chicken math!) looks like if those 6 are clear I'll only have 34 go into lock down.

Thanks, Martha! Hope at least 4 of your bought eggs make it. Your hens' babies need playmates!

Looks like I'll get to see G&A and Country Girl's chicks before mine, too!
~~~~~~Sending Good Hatching Vibes~~~~~~
I put mine in lockdown last night! Looking forward to a Wed. hatch. It will be my first for the season and hopefully will have some little pips soon. Silkies and buff orps are what I am expecting. The orps were not all fertilized so guess the young ones hadn't been trained in correctly. lol

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