Kate's Sassy Seramas

Fabulous indeed. How about [COLOR=FF0000]Sparky[/COLOR]?

I sure wish I could get chicks that vertical.

That's cute! His name is sparky! As soon as I get tested I'll ship you some eggs. And I will probably have a bunch of their offspring for sale as well
So Hershey and Prince Charming wouldn't stand still but here they are!

Will do. This move is difficult; things keep happening and moving day has to be pushed back.

I understand. We moved about 2 years ago and it was a nightmare. The people that were going to rent our old house last minute decided that they weren't going to rent because we cleaned th house ourselves instead of hiring a "professional." We had to go to their house for a week before they would give us back there key to the house. Right after we moved in a pipe burst and all of out pipes in the attic are extremely fragile from years of use and its only a matter of time before we have to replace them. Anyways Ill be able to send hatching eggs all yer long so anytime is fine as long as the hens are laying
I understand. We moved about 2 years ago and it was a nightmare. The people that were going to rent our old house last minute decided that they weren't going to rent because we cleaned th house ourselves instead of hiring a "professional." We had to go to their house for a week before they would give us back there key to the house. Right after we moved in a pipe burst and all of out pipes in the attic are extremely fragile from years of use and its only a matter of time before we have to replace them. Anyways Ill be able to send hatching eggs all yer long so anytime is fine as long as the hens are laying:thumbsup

I've been trying to PM, but will not send. Maybe an odd question, but have you blocked me?

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