Kate's Sassy Seramas

I am so impressed with this roo that I just looked at for the first time today (whoops
) I think he looks fabulous for being only 4 weeks old! Any name suggestions?

This is his dad
He's amazing! I hope to breed babies like that in the near future. I raise Silkies and Polish, but have always been fascinated with Seramas.

Thank you! I love both those breeds but only ever got roosters from chicks I hatched.
Definitely a pullet. Roosters are obvious at 11 weeks.

Thanks! That makes me happy :). I wish I would have met you two a month ago! I have Serama eggs under 2 of my broody Silkies, due to hatch next Friday. They were shipped also - nobody around here has decent chickens. My idea of decent means unusual. lol I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Eight are still hanging in there.
Thank you! I love both those breeds but only ever got roosters from chicks I hatched.

This little pullet hangs out with a my blue cream Silkie cockerel (I think). They are inseparable. It's funny because they challenge each other and act all boyish. They have a little bantam Polish buddy they play with. I call them the Three Musketeers, or Stooges depending on the day. lol I love this little crew.
Thanks! That makes me happy
. I wish I would have met you two a month ago! I have Serama eggs under 2 of my broody Silkies, due to hatch next Friday. They were shipped also - nobody around here has decent chickens. My idea of decent means unusual. lol I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Eight are still hanging in there.

Good luck with the hatch next Friday. I've a serama brooding eggs; candling showed six of ten eggs developing as of today. I have normal, silkied, frizzle, and frazzle serama. I like the unusual too. I also have a trio of black tailed Japanese bantams.

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