keeping chickens cool in summer heat

Good question, and lots of good answers. I got my chickens last fall so this is the first summer for them (and me as a chicken owner in South Carolina). We've gotten up into the 80s the last two weeks and the birds have been very unhappy. Lots of panting and looking depressed. They were drinking out of nipple drinkers before, but I decided to put a pan of water (actually a small, clean cat's litterbox!) in their coop to see if they needed more water or wanted to stand in it. They loved it! They all drank a lot of water and promptly got diarrhea - but I read that's just another way for them to get rid of excess body heat... The chicken who seems to get the hottest - the most panting - stands in it too. I've also been spraying down the ground in their coop and they really like to walk in the puddles. They don't seem to want to be sprayed directly with the hose, but seem to be venturing close to it and running through it to get their feet and legs wet. It reminds me of kids running through a sprinkler! I've also got a jug of water in the freezer that I'm going to try putting out there when it gets really hot...
This is my second summer with my hens, last summer they were very young (three months old) and I could tell they were miserable in the South Texas heat. I have an automatic waterer which is a big pan and they liked to stand on it. This summer I added one more pan so more of them will have a chance to cool down. Also I put a fan in the window of their coop so the air is circulating during the laying time. There is another big fan in the run that I turn on when there is no breeze. Another addition this year (which I read in BYC) is to make the dirt boxes deeper so when they take a dirt bath they can dig dipper where the dirt is cooler. My run has a roof all along it so they are always in the shade. Also I give them cold treats like fruit and veggies. They still pant (and we are not even in the worst part of summer) but I believe they are better off.
I let them free range real early in the morning (supervised by me since we are loaded with hawks in this area) then I bring them in for the hottest part of the day. I am planning to put a 2 litter bottle of frozen water in the run and watch what they do.
We also use some of the methods posted here like watermelon, fans and the wading pool. We only put about an inch of water in the pool (I read somewhere that chickens will sometimes cool off by standing in puddles). We also made a waterer that can be filled with ice. Here is a video that shows it:

Bob- Penland's Peeps
This is one of the coolest watering systems I have ever seen. Thank you for posting this.
I was looking for more ideas, and didn't see anyone that has frozen their waterers. I have a few gallon waterers that I bring in at night to clean, then fill 1/4 of the way up and throw in the big standup freezer. In the mornings when I fill them, they have a giant Ice cube in the top to help keep the water cold. I also have some older tupperware storage bowls that are small enough to make huge ice cubes to put in the 5 gallon waterer. It keeps their water cool the biggest part of the day. They also think the kids' slip and slide is a chicken water fountain. The runoff from the slip and slide heads right into the coop and leaves a big muddy area in the grass for them to chill out in. I also have baggies of frozen veggies I throw them that they enjoy. They have their own particular spots to keep cool in. The hottest part of the day they seem to like to hide in their muddy holes under the bushes.

It's been pretty much in the upper 80's to 90's here in southern Ohio. I haven't really noticed much of a drop in egg laying, so either it's helping or they're just that tolerant!

I found these 2 threads with lots of ideas too!

My chicken coupe is built in my horse barn. I don't have horses anymore. They have a large run outside. The roof is metal. So I'm spraying it to cool the metal down. I soaked and made mud holes over half there run. Its in the shade. They are loveing it. So thanks for that tip. Tonight I'm going to freeze a milk jug of water and drop in there bucket. I also add electrolites to water today hoping it help.

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