Keeping chickens cool in the summer?

yes, the milk jug thing did work well!
I put it down with the straw and a couple were sitting next to it. Thanks so much everyone and especially Classy chick!
I put water in old milk or juice jugs and freeze them. I put them in the coop and all of mine love sitting by them and sometimes even perching on them! It helps keep them cool for a while, and I just always keep a frozen jug on hand to switch out with the ones that melt.
Oh this sounds like a great idea!
We just added a second fan tonight. My 3 yr olds are panting heavily. I also made them electrolyte water. And we hosed down the chicken yard all day, even though most of them err free ranging and hanging out in the bushes
Mine have a run with both natural and artificial shade. They have a peach tree of their own and a mimosa tree for natural shade then I covered one corner of their run with green shade cloth. But, for some reason, when the afternoon heats up here, they all choose to sit in the coop. I have used the frozen water jugs and that seems to help some on the worst days. They also have a small fan running in their coop to help with circulation. About the only time they all come outside during the hot days is when I let them out to range. Even in the hot sun they live for the time outside the coop/run.
I turned the sprinkler on today. LOL. Chickens weren't thrilled but it was 40*c weather today. The did enjoy the cool ground afterwards. They also have lots of shady areas too. The have been digging craters in the dirt. That seems to keep them happy.
Hit 97 Oregon!! Go figure...problem here is we are in the eastern slopes of the Cascade Mountains Range at elevation 4,543. So when it gets anything over 90 it's like the trees just 'suck' the air right out of you....awful. Girls are doing okay, though. Thier temporary run is in deep shade and I keep the sprinkler on low so it just hits inside the run by about a foot or so. So far so good kinda sorta....
We do the same thing with our watermelon rinds. I have a chicken that sprained her leg and is in a cage in the run alone. The frozen waterbottles and things have REALLY help keep her cool even on the hottest days.
It's 109° today, but once it goes over 90° I turn on a mister system for them. They love it and it helps them a lot. Their run is also covered both by trees and a thin tarp, so they do pretty well.

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