Keeping Fish

I don't think saltwater tanks are hard, but require a good amount of research. Still in the research process of my own saltwater tank.... :)
I cant speak for how hard they are (yet) I'm still in the cycling part of my tank, but figuring out all the equipment and everything else is definitely a big step. It is definitely a great deal more involved than the average freshwater setup.

Also keep in mind that is something that takes a lot of time and patience. If you are doing a reef tank and want to ensure continued success anyway. Don't expect to put fish into your display tank for at least a month and even then it's advised to only add a fish maybe every two weeks.

I made the leap into starting one about a month ago..... I'm on week three of the cycling process and have two little clowns in quarantine...(jail basically) for another three weeks. The bigger the tank the easier its supposed to be to maintain so they say. It is also a rather expensive hobby....

I recommend this link on fishlore, which is a guide to setting up, but it's nice to see what you will be up against.

Walk through the whole process in research because this photo is what you will run into for almost everything lol.
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Well, I've been away for awhile, and there are a lot of posts on this thread, so I haven't went through all of it.

Just some interesting asides: while fishing in a very large resivour , I caught an Oscar someone had sentenced to death, because in another few months, the water would have too cool.

It made a great aquarium pet.

In my pond, I had goldfish and coy.. They were all named and trained to hand feed. I got a bunch of live crawfish and dumped some in the pond. One evening, here comes this crawfish and he starts coming up and plucking food out of our fingers!

This is the silcione i bought but on the back in tiny writung it says not safe but its 100% silicone
You need to buy aquarium silicone from a pet store or pet supply company. That won't hold and is not safe for fish.
Ya know...Im just not into it right now...Google is your friend. I have been there, done this, and you DO NOT NEED pet store silicone.. But, it's too much trouble for me to revisit right now.
Consider the nudge a gift!
I will tell you one thing! Do NOT use chlorine to clean fish tanks (aquariums)'s not like it hurts the fish ( provided they aren't around)... But it destroys the silicone!

(True story)
I will tell you one thing! Do NOT use chlorine to clean fish tanks (aquariums)'s not like it hurts the fish ( provided they aren't around)... But it destroys the silicone!

(True story)
I have always used muratic acid to clean tanks. It takes the lime right off.

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