Kentucky people

I'm sorry if I missed if you mentioned this or not but are you selling "pullets" this year? If so I would like to buy from you as opposed to ordering online. I love the look of the Swedish Flower Hens....they are like calico. I do want a variety flock.
I may have some pullets to sell later on this spring. I have some SFH eggs in the incubator now for a fertility check. I will let you know when I find out how many pullets I have available.

Does anyone have any advice on breeds for a newbie? I look at all the breeds listed and the reviews and they all sound good and all have 4-5 stars so I guess folks are partial to the ones they have and give them high marks. I am drawn to Speckled Sussex but I really don't know why. I am not interested in meat chickens that much I know, but friendly is a plus!

I find friendly is like kids - it depends on how they are raised.
If you get them as day old chicks, keep handling them gently feed them treats they will learn to like it and sit in your lap.

   Does anyone have any advice on breeds for a newbie?  I look at all the breeds listed and the reviews and they all sound good and all have 4-5 stars so I guess folks are partial to the ones they have and give them high marks.  I am drawn to Speckled Sussex but I really don't know why.  I am not interested in meat chickens that much I know, but friendly is a plus! 


Aee you wanting production layers? Or more pet? I have a variety and like the different breeds together. They all have unique personalities. I have RIR that are curious and funny and will eat out of your hands. I have a cochin that I carry around the yard because she is so sweet. I would just get a variety and see which ones you like.

Does anyone have any advice on breeds for a newbie? I look at all the breeds listed and the reviews and they all sound good and all have 4-5 stars so I guess folks are partial to the ones they have and give them high marks. I am drawn to Speckled Sussex but I really don't know why. I am not interested in meat chickens that much I know, but friendly is a plus!


I have a sweet Speckled Sussex that sings very beautifully and seems happy all the time. She follows me around and is very curious. She lays eggs regularly too. One of my favorites! Gets along with the rest of the flock just fine even though she was added later! Hope that helps! My other girls are Ameraucana, Buff Orpington and Barred Rock. Love them all.

Does anyone have any advice on breeds for a newbie? I look at all the breeds listed and the reviews and they all sound good and all have 4-5 stars so I guess folks are partial to the ones they have and give them high marks. I am drawn to Speckled Sussex but I really don't know why. I am not interested in meat chickens that much I know, but friendly is a plus!


Based on my personal experiences over 5 years, I recommend black Australorps and buff Orpingtons for dual-purpose birds. I do NOT recommend Wyandottes (they are pretty, but don't lay very big eggs, and stop laying earlier than other breeds--they were also obnoxious) or Jersey Giants (too docile for a mixed flock--they were picked on a lot and while we liked them, we won't get them again). I only have one Ameracauna, and she is sweet, but some are flighty and blue/green eggs can be hard to sell if that's in your plan. We have one light Brahma, and she is a nice hen, too, that fits in well with everyone else.
I have genereally found that heavier breeds are friendlier, there are always exceptions even with in breeds. I have heritage RIRs and they are the friendliest by far that I have had to this point, stupid friendly, they assume there is no way you intend any harm to them. My neighbors kids were playing football and my hens were on the field with them.
Even though they are stupid, mine lay quiet well and are gorgeous. I have found most of the sex link hens to be docile and friendly. EEs are a little more stand offish, may eat from your hand but not realy interested in being handled. I aggree kittydoc on wyandottes and they will go broodie too. Never had Australorps but consider them one of the prettiest, love the contrast of their red heads with the jet black plumage and their body shape.
My Silver laced Wyandots are very good with production. They are approaching there 1 yr birthday and have not missed more than 1 or 2 days a week. They will get up in my lap but need a hand on them if you want them to stay. They also are a couple of boss ladies in my flock of 8.

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