Kentucky people

My name is laken. I'm 9 and I live n texarkana at. I have 42 chickens I take care of and I just hatched my first set of eggs. I put 18 I my incubator and 5 hatched. One had something wrong with its hips and it died. I just put 4 turkey eggs and 21 chinken eggs in the incubator. I hope I have better luck with these.

Cool I usually can't tell with my eggs but olmost every time they a fertile. My silkies don't lay yet but it has been olmost two years and I'm sure they are hens and one is a roo but they just won't lay!!

Oh wow!! That's crazy! I am getting some 3 day old bantam Sizzle babies tomorrow morning from Hartford. He hatches weekly and has more coming on Thursday if you r interested.
My name is laken. I'm 9 and I live n texarkana at. I have 42 chickens I take care of and I just hatched my first set of eggs. I put 18 I my incubator and 5 hatched. One had something wrong with its hips and it died. I just put 4 turkey eggs and 21 chinken eggs in the incubator. I hope I have better luck with these.

Sounds like you are doing a good job already. What kind of incubator are you using?
I have a little giant still air incubator and my granny got me a turner to go in it that holds 41 eggs.

Ok so you may need to add a separate thermometer and hygrometer (measures humidity) to the inside of the incubator. I bet once you get your temperatures and humidity figured will get an even better hatch. Hatching is like an ongoing science experiment. :0) Learn all you can and have fun with it. I think it's great you are 9 and interested in chickens.
good work lakens.  Braver than me starting with eggs.

I just went to TSC and somehow left with 6 more chicks.  What was I thinking not even the breed I was looking for,  6 straight run Barred Rock.
I'm in Louisville anybody want a couple?

Oh! I want some Barred rocks so bad! They're beautiful! But they lay the same color eggs as my BO's I'm starting to breed, so I can't! :(

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