Kentucky people

Hello and thanks!! I called the city building earlier this afternoon, and spoke with a council member. We should have no problems!! So we will start building our coop this afternoon!
Thank you! From what I was told there really aren't any inside the city limits! Unless you live in a subdivision or have an HOA. We are within city limits, but not in a subdivision. We have a bit over half an acre, and the man I spoke with said We were good to go then! The only thing that we could ever see us possibly face is a nuisance complaint. But both our neighbors are aware and neither had a problem, they were actually excited! So no worries there!
I was gifted a coop and am in the process of building another. I got six chicks from the TSC and was wanting to add 4 more once the new coop was finished. I am having fun with these little buggers. I can't wait til' they get big. Unfortunately TSC no idea what breed they were. They were labeled as pullets.
Hello all, I am from Butler KY and some what new to the chicken business! My family always raised chickens and I helped but have never had my own! We started with 6 easter eggers and silkies, then got 3 buff orpings and 3 Cornish rocks (yes I know meat eaters) Now we eneded up with 6 barred rocks! Gotta love chicken math :)

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