Kentucky people

Good morning y'all...Today is my birthday, so I think I am allowed to go to the flea market and find me something that I can't live
My favorite place to shop...I am gonna try my best to make it to the chickenstock. So, y'all have a great day...I'LL BE BACK
Well, starting to wake up a bit, now.

Had to cull a 3 week old RIR chick this morning, Lucy got ahold of it (it was apparently in her way at the water dish
) and she picked it up by the leg and swung it around a few times
broke it's leg.

I am sitting here in my jeans and a sweatshirt - brrr
I like it being a bit colder, though. I'm ready for fall. (I have the front door open, even with it being a bit cool
I like the fresh air, and a sweatshirt feels really good right now.)

Hubby has a new project burning up his brain
(lucky me) we were down at Tony's yesterday and he showed us the work he has been doing in his woods - clearing the underbrush, making it nice with open areas and paths and a firepit, etc... so... hubby wants to do our woods like that. IMO best time to do it is this winter when some of the underbrush is naturally down already, then we can go in and cut tiny trees/saplings and make it more hospitable.

The chickens will love it
they like going down there now, when it's hot out, to hunt bugs.

I'd like to have it done, also, but not in the middle of summer when it is hot and/or overgrown with Blackberries and that darn Honeysuckle.

Oh, but Tony is gonna come and check out our spring and see if a small pond down there is feasable - that would be titties and beer.

so, I'm just sitting here this morning, contemplating what to eat for breakfast, and wondering how long this nice cool weather is gonna last.

Well I hope September is a better month than August. I have worked so many hours at my paying job that my play job at home is so behind. I have not had much luck with eggs that I had ordered. A big loss lately. I guess it was the heat during shipment. I wanted chicks from Blue dog but the 1 day I had off was a complete wash. I need a vacation. And all of the extra money I am making has disappeared before I can play with it.

OK. I needed to vent. I wish I could say I was all better but I would be lying. Well my next day off is Thursday and I dont even know where to start. Our auction is in 12 days and we have at least 50 cages to build. I guess I know what I will be doing. Oh well I hope we come home with enough to cover everything we have been out. I am figuring we will be taking at least 250 birds.
On another note I did get to go to Sano Friday night even though it was late when I got there. I was hoping to find a peacock. I lost mine last month. I seperated the 2 pairs I had. I think they stopped eating. All died but 1 hen.
But we come home with 3 new calves. They had some really nice calves Friday night. Usually they are sort of small. But these were big stock blocky holsteins. And yes there was 1 little bitty. And of course it came home with me. I got her for $35. A total of $135 for 3. Not bad. The one thing that makes me mad about Sano is the guy who brings in these babies from out of state. He sits there and runs the bid to what he wants. They should not be able to do that. He sits in his broken patio chair over to the side of the auctioneer with 1 eye winked shut until he lets us take over. Thats not right. Then he buys every goat there just about.

Ok there is my book. I hope everyone has had a good weekend. I am a working with a jerk today. Lets just hope I make it out today without loosing my temper.
Bluedog Happy Birthday.
Happy Borthday tp Bluedog and Lewis(Shelley's Dad) Well my new sheltie is proving to be quite the charmer. She loves to play catch me if you can, Daddy! I was going to show her yesterday, but she had a bit of an upset tummy, so I let her stay home with her brothers and sisters. Suprisingly, the MinPins basically ignore her unless she pesters them too much.
Well, I went and picked up my two bantams from the fair and found out that I got a second and a third. I don't mind the ratings I just wish that there was some explaination about why, especially for my pullet which got the third. She is laying eggs and her waddles and comb change color from deep red to washed out depending on when she last laid an egg. It seemed that all the other pullets were much younger. But she is also a bit dirtier looking that the others.
Oh well, I caged them up and took them to the truck and fed them. She was whining like she was hungry and she was.
I got them home about an hour ago and fed and watered them better and she was begging the whole time. Laying eggs takes a lot out of a young pullet.
There was a guy there from Indiana who had some Giant Dewlap Toulouse Geese that were huge and had won First and second. What got me was that they were only three to four months old. One could set eggs today and have a large goose for Christmas dinner. I have his name and phone number if anyone is interested.

My bantam cockerel just mated with the pullet, who protested loudly. they have been apart since Wednesday.

I have had 18 of 21 eggs hatch out yesterday and today. They are a pretty hatch and well mannered, like the last bunch. What a mixture.

I got four eggs today so I beat the egg eaters out of two so far. I need to go check again before going to bed tonight.

The Frankfort chicken meet is on Oct 24th.

I'm not sure about the Ohio Nationals. I'll get back with youall on that.

Take care,
Sorry to say I didn't make it to the fair this past week-end so I haven't a clue as to who won what. Between work and the dog show Saturday, I didn't have the time. Maybe next year I'll get to go while the poultry are there.

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