Kentucky people

Ms. Lewis Rich :

Hey any one going to the Kentuckiana show?
My fav nice folks!
It is May 21st.
I had to print a 2010 form to enter.
No 2011 yet I think it is May 4 dead line to enter?
Will be there,

They are supposed to be sending out the books/catalogs this next week.​
Ms. Lewis Rich :

Okay , ya going ? what are you showing?

Black orps - roo, cockerel and a pullet

GL polish cockerel

maybe a silkie.....​
Ms. Lewis Rich :

SC tell me about your Silkie?

Don't have him yet. Gonna check him out this week. See if I want to take him on. I don't ave any other silkies.​
Well, I am excited. It's my first adventure into showing.





I may bring one other hen.

My blue pullet isn't big enough yet. She's not quite 5 months old. And the GL polish hen has to grow her top knot back out. Maybe by the fall those girls will be ready.
Ms. Lewis Rich :

OMG What color is that Polish it is beautiful?
Looks like a rainbow!

He is a Gold Laced polish The flash gives him a lot of depth to the gold tones, but i washed out the lacing some.​
Hope to see you there I will have some started Silkie chicks to sell. Partridge Exhibition quality, parent birds have always won even at the Nationals.
Gosh show that Polish his color is wonderful!!!!!!!

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