Kentucky people

Hey everybody, Just wanted to say HI in the KY section. I live near Bardstown KY and am somewhat new to chickens. I have wanted them for awhile but now we have the room for them. I have 4 Barred Plymouth Rocks and one Wyndotte all laying now and 26 one week old Cornish X Chicks. Is there anybody close to me?

I'm about an hour from you and new to KY.

I hav a 7 year old female -- Guinness -- who survived cancer at the age of 4. I don't believe there can be a more loyal dog!! I dread losing her as I see her growing older and slower.
I am relatively new to the board but not to chickens. We live on a farm just south of Hodgenville with 5 partridge plymouth rocks, 4 barred rocks, a BO and about 10 speckled sussex birds.
Any fertile eggs from the sussex? I would love to hatch some.

Not at the moment. The roo I got from Meyer has not successfully fertilized an egg since I bought him last fall but he is so sweet I can't part with him. I will be looking for a local source for a fertile roo soon and will be more than happy to pass along some hatching eggs. My speckled sussex are the smartest birds in my flock and sprint to the woods when a vulture or hawk flys overhead.
Where is Metcalf county or what city/town is it near? I'm somewhat new to the area, still learning where things are. I see you have guineas at the bottom of your post/info. I am going to get some next spring to help take care of the ticks.

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