Kicked our Rooster and now he won't crow

Well, he may just be submissive to you now. A submissive rooster will NOT crow. And he may just be submissive. But he could also be injured, and if he is injured, I agree completely with janinepeters. It would be more kind to humanely put him down.
He is back to his old shenigans! After about a week he has started to crow and just gotten out of hand.... He lunges at the coop if you walk out there.... He just is not pleasant! I was hoping we would have a nice rooster... We handled him all the time and then all of sudden he just has gotten nasty! I don't understand!!! I wanted a nice rooster!!! Why oh why do I always get a nasty one!!!!

We don't "handle" or try to make pets out of young cockerels. We just allow them to grow up to be chickens. You might try that next time. You've got little to lose in trying a different rearing method. As for having to be tough on a rooster, the problem is that in many cases, the rooster will just try again.

In a flock, the younger roosters often challenge the Alpha rooster and even if knocked down, they often just await a future challenge and the confrontation is on again. Just the way it is. If your rooster sees you as something to challenge, over and over again, this may just continue.

I don't personally prefer my cockerels seeing me as a rooster to be challenged. I'd prefer they'd think little to nothing about me, quite honestly.
Indifferent or ambivalent, I guess is the word. I'm just the "being" that bring food and not much more.
my roo is about 8 mo. old, generally a really sweet guy. The most he does is grumble and growl as he walks away. And thats only when he wants to go after the babies and I interfere. Is there an age where they decide to become aggressive or is it from puberty? I have a 2 and 4 year old...after reading all that, it makes me nervous to have a roo.
Roosters, like people, have their own unique personalities. IF he was to become aggressive, it would be when his testosterone starts pumping through his system. I have roosters that pay no mind to kids and I have others who go for blood every time they see a toddler. If he was "child aggressive", I think you would have witnessed it by now.
That being said, never allow your children around a rooster while they are alone, as well zero tolerance towards teasing and chasing. They can be just as dangerous as a stud horse or bull. Even if you have the nicest chickens in the world, should one of your kids (or you) fall down unconscious in the coop, the chickens would begin to peck and strip the skin off of your face- eating you alive.
In another post about roosters and children, I referenced an older lady who had her 18 month granddaughter over and wasn't watching her. The child was chasing the rooster around the yard and it turned around and spurred her eye out. Just getting spurred can cause a serious infection. Good luck.
So we have been having problems with our Rooster he is about 9-11 months old . I love him to death. He is like a watch rooster... crows when someone pulls up in our lane.... Crows when he sees me... Crows when he sees the kids... and I love it..

But he started coming after my kids... when they were grazing in the evening... so I went up to him to try to smooth things over with my daughter and he went after me... and then kept coming back at me when i turned my back

So yesterday my hubby let them out for the evening and he wouldn't let my hubby out of the COOP! He kept lunging at him and got some good height... to his shoulders... So my hubby kicked him and he came back... and then again.. .and then finally my hubby grabbed a rake (we leave it sit by the coop to deter the fox and coon - they are scared of it) anyway he hit Mr. Roo with the rake and he took off and hid near the fence.... and laid down...

:( I come running out... a little nervous around him and my dog walked over to him and he stood up and stood in the middle of the yard til sundown and then went to roost etc.

In the morning he didnt crow... He wont crow when he sees me... and he won't even look at me...I guess it's a good thing.. but do you think he is hurt? or is it just his feeling hurt?!

I feel bad.. but not sure if he will ever crow again!!

Sort of same scenario. Roo came after husband and husband hit him so hard he knocked him out. We thought he was dead at first but he came to eventually. After some time in a box he started acting half way okay and we put him back in the run. He acted drunk and skittish for a while. Now he seems fine but very docile. But.. he hasn't crowed once since then. Not a peep and he used to crow all day. I miss hearing him. He is still mounting the girls and I'm getting fertilized eggs. Just no crowing and no more attacks. Kind of sad to see his spirit so broken.
So we have been having problems with our Rooster he is about 9-11 months old . I love him to death. He is like a watch rooster... crows when someone pulls up in our lane.... Crows when he sees me... Crows when he sees the kids... and I love it..

But he started coming after my kids... when they were grazing in the evening... so I went up to him to try to smooth things over with my daughter and he went after me... and then kept coming back at me when i turned my back

So yesterday my hubby let them out for the evening and he wouldn't let my hubby out of the COOP! He kept lunging at him and got some good height... to his shoulders... So my hubby kicked him and he came back... and then again.. .and then finally my hubby grabbed a rake (we leave it sit by the coop to deter the fox and coon - they are scared of it) anyway he hit Mr. Roo with the rake and he took off and hid near the fence.... and laid down...

:( I come running out... a little nervous around him and my dog walked over to him and he stood up and stood in the middle of the yard til sundown and then went to roost etc.

In the morning he didnt crow... He wont crow when he sees me... and he won't even look at me...I guess it's a good thing.. but do you think he is hurt? or is it just his feeling hurt?!

I feel bad.. but not sure if he will ever crow again!!

Suggestion: I read, then did this and it worked! I actually use a fish dip net to catch "Harold". Then I pin him down firmly just enough to get the dip net off of him. I put him on my hip, and we have TIME OUT TOGETHER. I keep his wings down, which is easy to do, then I will push his head downward to where he is in a submissive position ... and we sit there ... and repeat this until he has calmed down well. Then when I release him, I am once again holding his wings down and IF HE starts to walk away calmly, then he is free to go about his way. Now if he starts to act up as I release him, we start the time out together again, and repeat this process until he does walk away calmly. I have absolutely no problem with him anymore. No more aggressive side stomping of his feet towards me, no attempts at spurring, and just a transformational change in his attitude. Oh, I forgot to mention he is a Rhode Island Red Rooster. He still has his spirit, but he knows I am boss.

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